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The night was still, with only the faint rustling of leaves under the paws of small rodents audible to the two of them. The stars in the sky shone down, illuminating the slightly crumpled tent that sat opposite the dwindling remains of what had been a quite healthy campfire. Trees surrounded the clearing they sat in, large oaks giving off a relatively intimidating aura, as well as some thorny bushes and patches of heather.

"It's a beautiful night for a celebration," Matt expressed happily, sitting back on his elbows on the hard soil and smiling. Dom looked over at him and smirked, admiring his vivid blue eyes.

"Oh? And what would we be celebrating?" The red-haired angular-featured man turned his head to the blond, raising an eyebrow as he stared into his metallic silver eyes.

"You know what, dumbass. Our anniversary," he muttered, rolling his eyes but keeping his head turned in Dom's direction. The way his light hair flopped over his forehead and the way he struggled to keep a smile off his face was incredibly cute to Matt, although he knew he'd get a punch on the arm for admitting that out loud.

"3 awful years."  Dom received a poke in the ribs for that.

"Come on, you know you love me," the smaller man teased and it was now the blond's turn to roll his eyes.

"Maybe just a little," he taunted back and they were still for a moment, simply admiring each other. "Say cheese."

The bright light flashed in Matt's face as Dom unexpectedly snapped a photo of him, causing the redhead to laugh. The picture probably looked awful.

"Okay, fire's dying out and it's getting cold so I'm gonna go get some firewood," Matt stated and hauled himself up, sad to be leaving his partner but not wanting to freeze to death at the same time.

"Don't be too long!" The blond cooed, gazing upon the fiery-haired man's slim figure lovingly. Oh, how he adored every angle of it.

Matt blew him a kiss and began to make his way through the trees, feeling the cold begin to seep into his pores. The heavy canopy was blocking out most of the moonlight, making it virtually impossible to see anything. This was accompanied by the light from the clearing behind him getting fainter by the second, slowly plunging him into almost total darkness.

He felt around in his pocket for the familiar box. It had sat there for a couple of weeks now, awaiting the perfect moment for its appearance, a sign of Matt's undying love for Dom. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with the man, just the two of them against the world, like it had been for the past three years. Smiling privately to himself, he knew that tonight was the night. The campfire, the privacy, the beautiful night -

But none of that was going to happen. For a single misplaced step in the darkness of the woods was about to bring Matt's life to an end.

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