20: "Finish him."

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Zoey POV

I was moved to a different room, away from Aiden thankfully, but into a room with most of the kids that were trying to join the gang. They were standing gaurd over me as Aiden waited to see if Ryan would show up. A part of me prayed that he wouldn't, that he would just call the police and they would come to save me, but inside I knew that Ryan wasn't going to let that happen. He would come eventually, or he'd leave. 

I hoped that he would come, mostly because I knew what would happen to me if he didn't.

A shudder raced down my spine at the thought. I had heard such awful things about these people, and now there was nothing between me and them. I was there's and it would be impossible to escape on my own at this point. I was going to be stuck here to go through the torture that they had set up for me. 

I could laready see what one guy had on his mind the second his eyes landed on me, and it made my skin crawl with disgust. Even when I refused to look at him, I could feel his eyes scanning my body, eyeing me as if I was his for the taking. It was gross and disturbing. I hoped that Aiden would be able to control his recruits, but I doubted it. He would let them do whatever they wanted to prove they wanted to join, and it was only a matter of time before that kid gave into temptation. 

"He still hasn't showed," Aiden said, walking into the room and walking up to me. "Where is he?"

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"He should be here by now," Aiden said, ignoring me and moving around the chair that he had me tied down to. There were tight ropes wrapped around my wrists and ankles to prevent me from moving, mostly because I had thrown a fit when I got out the first time. I had started wildly kicking and hitting, only to be brought down again and tied to the chair this time. "It leaves me to wonder if he ever cared for you Zoey," he said as he slowly trailed his hand down mt cheek. "Does it make you wonder?"

"No, not at all," I stated through gritted teeth as he continued to touch me, and I had no way to slap him off of me.

His hand slowly travelled to my hair and he ran a few fingers through it. I was growing more nervous by the mintue, the longer he talked, the more comfortable he got around me.the more comfortable he was around me, the more he touched me. He was idly playing with the ends of my hair before he walked in front of me and kneeled down to talk to me.

"I'm tired of waiting Zoey," he said as his hand landed on my knee. 

I did my best not to squirm and move away from his touch, I knew that would only make him angrier, but I didn't want him around me anymore, and with each passing second he was inching his hand up my leg.

"I'm sorry, but I did what you asked," I said, my voice giving away my fear.

"You did, but if he doesn't come soon, I may have to think of a different idea for these boys, and unfortunately for you, it will involve you. That's good news for them though," he said with a smirk. I was going to ask what he would have them do to me, even though I had a pretty good idea from his hand placement, but a knock pounded on the door before I could ask.

"Aiden," I heard Ryan's voice call through the door. "I'm here let me in."

Aiden chuckled before motioning for the boy that had been undressing me with his eyes to open the door for Ryan. Aiden got up and followed after him at a safe distance, I guess in case Ryan tried anything if Aiden came to the door first, like shooting him. I wouldn't mind that at this point.

The front door of Ryan's old house opened to reveal him, angry and annoyed that he couldn't do anything about it, but it was quickly replaced with fear as Aiden ordered Ryan to be sieved. I watched in horror as Ryan was grabbed, the door slammed shut, and ryan put in his own chair to be tied down. 

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