Part 1

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You walk through the streets of Italy just looking at people and hopefully steal some money from the people you see. You walk into a coffee shop you like to go to and you get disappointed when there was no more cinnamon roll than you like so you sigh.

-(y/n) over here

You look behind you and see Giorno sitting at a table, he smiles at you and then points to the cinnamon roll on the table with a cup of coffee in front of the empty chair so you smile. You have known Giorno since you two were six years old, becoming best friends, you two get along so well that you two even live together.  You lost your parents when you were nine so you lived alone for a while but then you offered Giorno a room since his parents didn't treat him well. Since then, you two have managed to survive together and you feel lucky to meet him. Giorno is someone you admire, your inspiration to continue living to achieve what you set your mind to, and of course, you are ready to do whatever it takes to help him fulfill his dreams.

-Buongiorno amico-You say sitting down

-Buongiorno-Giorno says -You're lucky I got here early, this was the last one they had

-Grazie, you are a savior, I would have had a bad day if I hadn't eaten this delicious cinnamon in the morning, one day I will ask for a big cinnamon roll and I will marry it and then eat it all night-You hear him laugh

-You really love cinnamon?-He sees you cut it in half with your pocket knife

-Not enough for not to share it with my dear best friend-You give him the half-So why did you leave home so early?-You say starting eating

-I managed to get a car and I am planning to go to the airport but soon they will report the car as stolen so if there is no problem, will you help me get a new license plate to change it? that can give me more time to have the car with me

-Of course but first, let me taste this sweet cinnamon roll-You take a bite-God bless the creator of this-You say making him smile

-Father voglio quella ciambella

The two of you hear and see a little boy with his dad pointing to a donut, they both look happy making you smile a little but then you look at Giorno and you see him a bit sad. You have seen how badly his parents treat him, he doesn't know his real father so he never had the opportunity to feel part of a family. There were times when you two were little when he told you that he was jealous of all those children with good parents and even of you when your parents were still alive. Even if he doesn't mention any of it anymore and act like he doesn't care anymore, there can be moment like this where you can see him a bit sad.

-We better ger going-Giorno says standing up and taking out his wallet-Let me buy a drink for the road

He started to walk but you manage to see the strange photo that he has in his wallet, the photo of his father. Giorno never met him, he has asked his mother about him but she simply says it was just a one night stand. Giorno obtained that photo of his mother who had it hidden but when he found it he had no doubts that the man in the photo was his real father, so he kept it, taking it everywhere with him.

You know how much Giorno wants to meet him, there was a time when you two were little when he told you that he wanted to look for him and wondered what his father's attitude would be like, if his father knew about him and if his father would take him to live with him. He even tried to get information about him, insisting on his mother tell him something about him but again she doesn't say much, she only told him his name was Dio. As the years went by, Giorno stopped talking about him and about knowing him but seeing that photo in his wallet was evidence that he still has hopes to meet him and above all knowing that he doesn't give up easily.

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