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We arrived back to the Dorms and Mathew just flew his way up I'm assuming he still had a few features of a Ghost. We approched my dorm room and entered it quietly I had told the other I wouldv'e been back by around 3PM, but it's currently 9PM and I still didn't stop by. I came in through the window climing up from the back wall using my quirk a bit to be able to get up there faster.

I saw two rolling chairs in the middle of my room I looked over to my Boyfriend? Or Ex-Boyfreind and he looked just as equally confused. He jumped and hid out of the windo when one chair swong viloently facing me. Ilooked there and saw Kacchan wih his hands folded together.

"Where the hell where you Deku and you better not fucking lie to me." "Oh uhm I was just hanging out with Jayden-Kun." I spoke scratching the back of my neck telling him a lie. The other chair swung my direction this time to show.....Jayden. "Shit..." I whispered to myself. "Shit is right, now try again." I trailed my thoughts and instead said "Oh yeah my bad I meant to say Jirou!" I saw someone hanging from my ceiling held on by tape. "You sure about that buddy?"

"Ok fine I was uhm with a nurse called Akelight and Skylar and I went to go summon Mathew for a week. M-Mathew you can come in." The others looked at me like I was crazy, but the crazy faces soon turned to shock and sadness. There stood right behind me was Mathew himself in the air? Because he's not realy flesh.... I mumbled to myself until Jayden cleared his throat.

"O-Oh sorry! I was mumnbling again was I?" "It's fine MidoBro just wanted to let you know." My friend with the gold chains on spoke.

(A few Hours later and Telling the others)

We where all sitting down in the common room looking for Halloween costumes it was comign right around the corner anyways. Mineta asked what Mathew was going to be and we all tensed looking at the Grape until he finally realized. "Oh sorry Man I didn't th-" "Ah nah it's fine ima be a Ghost for Halloween anyways maybe i'll get a rock for Halloween!" I realized what he was refrencing too, "Hey my Aunt Walker loved the Charlie Brown specials she made me and the rest of her family watch it all the time!" I spoke smiling remembering the memories we had together. "Ugh that bitch I remember her, how's she doing." Kacchan spoke side eyeing me. "Oh I think she's doing pretty good, she still comes around for Christmas." My mind back tracked the the memory of her unraping the gifts like a child and running around chasing her own little cousins around.

We all sat around now some of us texting eachother from across the room. "HEY GUYS I FOUND BAKUGOU'S OLD INSTAGRAM!" I heard a voice shout realizing it was Mina...And what she just said. Kacchan and I turned to look at eachother panicked I tensed up and he ran to go get it, but Sero used his tape to catch it. "G-Guys please don't it's Kacchan's privacy." I spluttered out. "C'mon Midobro don't you want to see what type of pics he posted? Like I know you went to school with him and all. But shouldn't you still be curious?" I heard Kirishima spoke and I gave him my best death glare ever.

"Fine, but Mathew, the others, Kacchan, and I are leaving." I spoke giving my friends a look that told them they better come with me. They followed me out and I looked at Kacchan asking for his phone.

"What's there to do with it..." He trailed off looking the other way the only times he done that was when Mathew had passed or when talking about One For All. "Do you still rennet your old old Password?" He nodded his head and I through us phone at him as he typed it in.

"There a button that says delete all and delete all history after the edit. They've probably seen already a few photos." I spoke to him I could tell it worked when he looked back up at me. "Ok now tell me why the fuck you know that shit need." I got what some may call 'Unwanted Flashbacks' aye I'm like Alavar-

The flashbacks showed me all of my old Instagram picks from when I was in America and everything, and how I even had to change my Profile Picture to be something 'Cleaner for the eyes'.

"Ah well you see here one of my friends Mom start following them so they needed a way to delete all the things they've done." I explained to Kacchan or the other 'Bystanders'.

"Ok but like why did you drag us in here Sugar?" I turned towards Charlie and shook my head giving them the look saying I'm not ready to tell yet.

Hello I'm sorry it's so short! I won't be able to update as quickly because I have to go to Somewhere to attend something that I cannot miss and than I'm staying there for a few days and than there's Halloween, ZOOM, and yeah. Also PS Idk if the Instagram thing was true or not I made it up-

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