Chapter 8: Sunday

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  That morning we woke up at 7 to get ready. I didn't have church clothes, so I borrowed a beautiful purple and silver glittery dress from Andi. She wanted to do my make up so I could impress Josh. So, Madison curled my hair and Andi did my make up. I had to admit, for once I though I looked good. I guess it was because I looked like Andi. People always tell us that we look like twins. We both have dark brown eys, brown hair, and the same head shape. We wear the same size clothes and are the same height. I've always been jealous of how pretty she is and now I looked pretty like her.

  When we arrived at church all three of us went straight to the class room. when it was 9:45 the other kids came in their. But, not Josh. To be honest I was upset. I actually looked good and he wasn't even there to see me. At 10:45, we left the class room and went to the sanctuary. At my suprise, Josh was sitting there alone and waiting on us. So, we go and sit beside him. Andi putting me in between them of course.

  When the choir was singing and we were silent it was a little awkward. He then leaned over and said "I forgot to give this to you last night, but I made sure i gave it to you today." I open up the piece of paper and inide was his number. Inside I was screaming out of pure joy, but on the outside I was just smiling. I finally got his number.

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