Pros to Being an Amazing Alpha

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'Tis finally done! This one's my longest yet, but I'm super happy with how it turned out, so... ENJOY!

As Jungkook walks up the stairs to Namjoon's apartment, he rethinks his decision about coming here. He can hear the bass pumping from behind the front door, yells and muffled chatter reaching his ears through the solid wood. Sighing, Jungkook debates turning around and heading back to his own off-campus apartment, sliding under the covers of his bed, and feigning sickness to bail on the party.

As a quiet, reserved alpha, Jungkook has never really been one to go to crazy parties and get black-out drunk. Or just, drunk in general.

He prefers to stay by himself in his room, surrounded by his sketchbooks and Copics, drawing until the early hours of the morning. Jungkook doesn't talk to many people, choosing to have a smaller friend group than know everyone at the university. His only real friends are Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung, all of whom he met in his freshman year at Seoul University, and all of whom now, in his Junior year, he trusts with his life and would do anything for.

He sighs again, thinking of Namjoon's party. More specifically, his birthday party. If it were any other person on any other day for any other occasion, Jungkook would've immediately said no. But, that's not the case.

The alpha finally pulls himself together enough to turn back around on the welcome mat and face the door, groaning as he runs a nervous hand through his hair. The dark brown, long wavy locks come to rest around his face, framing the thinly rimmed glasses sat on top of his nose. Jungkook fiddles with his shirt, smoothing it and his jeans down before raising a tentative fist and knocking once on the door before opening it.

He's immediately hit with the pheromones of dozens of drunk wolves. People crowd the small apartment, bodies crammed into the small space. Red Solo cups and empty beer bottles are littered around the room, along with several bottles of tequila and more than a few rolls of weed. It reeks of arousal, alcohol, and drugs, and Jungkook has to cover his sensitive nose to keep from gagging.

The alpha shuffles through the sea of grinding wolves, making his way over to where he can see Namjoon and most of his other friends on a couple of couches.

"Hey, Kook!" Hoseok slurs, holding up a half-empty bottle of beer in greeting. As Jungkook gets closer, he can smell the waves of alcohol rolling off his friend.

"Hey, Hobi-Hyung," the alpha calls back, a smile growing on his face when he sees that the omega is perched on Yoongi's lap, arms thrown around his neck and face buried in his scent gland. Jungkook nods hello to Yoongi, who nods back as he strokes his boyfriend's hair. The beta has been dating Hoseok for almost a year now and is used to the omega's drunk behavior and clinginess.

Jungkook sits down next to Namjoon, who hands him a cup of some strong-smelling drink off a side table. He glances at the older alpha, sending a 'sup' in his direction and giving a hug to Seokjin, breathing in his familiar flowery omega scent. Namjoon and Jin are in their Senior year of college and have been dating since Junior year of high school, and Jungkook's always been secretly jealous of their relationship, wishing he had an omega as well.

It makes it awkward sometimes, to have two couples in the group. Despite his hyungs' caution to make him feel included, Jungkook sometimes ends up third-wheeling. It helps to have another single friend, and he and Taehyung have spent more than a few triple-dates in each other's company. When the older friends of the group teasingly suggested the pair of Juniors date, however, the beta and alpha had immediately started fake-gagging, making the entire group laugh and roll their eyes. Jungkook knows Taehyung has his eyes set on a beautiful female beta from his history class, and the young alpha often teases him about always becoming a pile of smitten goo in front of her.

Pros to Being an Amazing Alpha - Jikook Oneshot🔞Where stories live. Discover now