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The entire pack was racing after the red-headed vampire now, that one of the vampires, Bella had christened as Victoria, as her name.

Victoria had disappeared into the ocean, while Juliana growled in a lot of frustration, as she had woken up to a bunch of howling and worried wolf pack-mates.

"We lost her... again!" She snapped in frustration, slapping her open palm of her left hand onto the table in front of her, and she was shuddering.

"Is she about to..." Emily began to back up a bit and Sam put himself between her and Juliana, who put her head onto the table, in her arms.

"No, she is okay." Paul murmured and by mostly unspoken rule of wolf as an imprint, especially with their imprints now, everybody walk out of the room.

Juliana's eyes were burning with sorrow and pain, as she had heard about Harry Clearwater, same as the rest of the pack. "If we had caught her sooner we could have saved him." She whispers, and Paul hugged her tightly, as she shuddered, clearly upset at her lack of attention.

"Hey, listen to me. We will find this bloodsucker bitch and make her pay for it." He said and she looked up at him, nodding quickly, as she wiped at her eyes.

"Yeah, we will, Paul. But at what cost?" She whispered and he looked at her, wrapping his arms around her, as they stood up and walked upstairs to her room, so that everyone else could come back in.

Juliana was sketching quietly in her room, trying to recreate some of her sketches that had been completely all destroyed in the crash, but nothing, it wasn't working.

She threw her sketchbook and pencils, they hit the wall with a loud smack and she shakes her head with a growl.

Jared knocked on her open door and she lifted her head a bit, and he grins a little. "Come on, Sam is a really hard worker. He convinced the family she's here." He said and Juliana's face broke into a huge smile, as she shoved past him, skipping most of the stairs to get downstairs.

"Juliana!" She heard Jessica yelling and Juliana laughed, scooping up the charging 3 year old, and swinging her around.

"Hey, you've gotten so big!" She shouted and hugged Jessica tightly and the girl slammed her in a hug of her own.

Sam stood on the porch and Juliana nodded quickly, and he nods back and smiled quickly.

Emily came out of the house with Jared and Paul following her back out and Jessica squealed in excitement when she saw them.

"Hey kiddo! Man, you sure grew kiddo!" It was Jared, who seemed to be the most excited to see Jessica and she dove off of Juliana's shoulder and slammed right into him.

"Jar!" She was still unable to say his name fully and Jared laughed, huggin' her and shaking her around quickly.

Paul walked over and stood next to Juliana, as Jessica leapt quickly from person to person, her eyes wide, and full of glee.

"She really loves it here." Juliana murmured and Embry looked rather confused, as Jessica stops directly in a space in front of him, and was looking uncertainly at him.

Jessica turned back to Juliana and her older sister laughed quietly. "He is not going to hurt you. That's Embry Call, I think you met him once." She said and Jessica cocked her head at Embry.

"What is she doing?" Embry asked them all nervously as Juliana, quickly chuckled and Paul laughed.

Jessica ran around to his back and managed to jump up and climbed up his back, until she was hanging off of his neck. "Ow!" Embry exclaimed in a sort of pain, as Jessica was yanking on his hair to get a better spot, and sitting on his shoulders.

"Hey, what about me?" Paul called with an indignant tone of voice, as he wanted to give Embry a break. Jessica squealed and hopped off of Embry, as he lowers her to the ground, and then, Paul was being swarmed by Jessica, as he was laughing.

Juliana chuckled, scooping Jessica off of Paul's shoulders and Jessica squeals with delight, and Juliana tosses her up into the air, laughin' with her sister at the time.

At least they were having fun and laughing, until they all were smelling a whole bunch of bloodsuckers, and a pissed-looking Jacob stormed into the clearing.

"The Cullens are back." He snaps at Sam and Juliana's grin disappeared at once, while Paul's face twisted into an expression of fury.

Juliana looked at Jessica, who looked very confused. "Listen to me, okay? I need to go for a bit, but can you listen to Emily?" She asked and Jessica nods, as Emily came over, and took Jessica's tiny hand in her own.

"Let's go inside, we can see what you like to do. Are you like Jules, are your skills to do, with cooking?" Emily asks and Jessica eagerly, began to talk with her as Juliana turned to Sam with one eyebrow raised.

"You want to lead the party to talk with them?" Sam asked and Juliana shrugged quickly, as she nodded at his words.

"Jared! Paul! You two are with me, go around this time... and where is Jacob going?" She asked, noticing at once, as he had disappears into the trees away, from their direction that they were all headed.

"He has gone to see Bella Swan again, probably. Good grief." Paul said as the three raced off as wolves, after tying a set of clothes to each of their ankles.

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