~{Prologue P1}~

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Quick Authors Note

Before you begin I would just like to say a huge thanks to my friend cat_lover_339. She drew the amazing cover for this book and also helped a lot with the plot and some starts of chapters. She may not be writing anymore but definitely go follow her. Also, follow her Instagram Str4wb3rryM4lk!!!

I glance out the wide marble window of Princess Rapunzels castle to see the sunset slowly staining the sky with flecks of orange and pink-like smears of paint on a canvas. I watch the sky starts to fade to night for a few seconds before I turn my back towards the window and look at the famed princess with the magic golden hair and into her emerald eyes.
"So your Majesty, why did you request to see me?" I ask, dropping my hand to lean against Excalibur's hilt in anticipation. She glances worriedly out the window at the dimming sun.
"My mother has been kidnapped and I was handed this letter yesterday by one of my guards. It's a ransom letter demanding the kingdoms finest jewels," Her eyes were shining with a silver lining that predicted tears. "Please could you find and rescue her, I'll reward you anything you want!"
"Why else did you request me, Your majesty. I am only the best," I tried to say comfortingly, "Don't worry, I will get Queen Ariana home to you without a scratch. I promise." Princess Rapunzel nods her head, tears now rolling down her cheeks.
"Thank you so much! Here is the ransom note, it will help you find my mother. I wish you the best of luck." Rapunzel gives me a tight hug before I turn on my heel to walk out the wooden doors of the princess's study. I looked back with a grin spread across my face, "I appreciate it but I don't need luck."

The night fades as I journey onward to rescue Queen Ariana of Corona. My mottled horse Melody grows tired after the few hours of trotting along so we settle in a clearing of a forest to rest and eat. I lie down some apples in front of Melody and start a fire with fallen branches that lay under a grand apple tree. I lean against melody as I inspect the ransom note Princess Rapunzel gave to me hours earlier, holding it close to the fire so I could see the cursive writing.

Dear My Darling Rapunzel

I have been taken captive by a gang of thieves who request for you to give them all the jewels in the royal vaults. If you do not comply I will be executed and we will never see each other again. I am being held captive in the woods a day's trek south of golden goose avenue. You have until sundown in 3 days' time. I hope to see you again rapunzel.

Love Mother

The parchment that I hold has stains and splotches, ink in a few areas smudged from the tears that would have resurfaced the black liquid.
"I better get some rest," I mumble to myself folding up the parchment and placing it in a satchel before laying down against a now sleeping melody, getting some rest for my big journey.

I softly stir, hearing birds chirping and a warm feeling slightly grazing my cheeks. Opening my (E/C) eyes I look to the sky which is decorated in an ombre effect with a soft blueberry blue and orangey toned morning sunrise.

I climb up the tree that I had gathered branches from the night before and look around from my perch, scouting out where I am. I look to the sun which is almost fully risen and see a tall rock formation not too far off to the right. "So if that is risky rock," I move my head facing 90 degrees away from the sun and spot what looks like to be a small town in the distance.
"Aha! Found you Golden goose avenue!"

The sunlit streets of Golden Goose Avenue buzz with excitement and people from all over the Island. Many stalls are set up along the square selling all kinds of goods ranging from fruits and meats to stuffed animals and trinkets.
I turn to melody and open the satchel that sat on her saddle, taking out the pouch full of the money I got from my last quest. As I was inserting the belt back into the gold hook, the brown leather pouch is ripped from my hands, and a man dressed in black runs off into the crowd.
"STOP! Thief!!" I shout starting after the criminal. I push my way through the crowds as the man starts to disappear from my sight.
"Help! Someone!" I shout pleading out for someone.
"He's stolen my purse!!!!" I shove my way through the busy streets before bumping into a blue tunic.
"You alright?" The man says a foreign accent sounding through my ears.
"Sorry. Need to get my money back." I run off pushing through the crowds once more.
"Guards! Anyone!" I see the man who stole my purse duck into an alleyway as grunts and squeals sound through the streets from the residents and travellers that are pushed and shoved.

I finally reach the alleyway the thief turned into only to find a man with a blue tunic standing over the thief's twitching body.
"I.....How did you do that? Why is he twitching?" My mind races with questions for the stranger yet nothing else came from my mouth. I am bewildered and frozen in place.
"I saw you were in need and I helped. I believe this is yours?" This young man's accent was familiar and I realized that it was the same guy I bumped into just before. He hands me my purse and smiles at me.
"Why is he twitching?"
"I practice magic, I specialize in electrical magic using these talismans." The man pulls out a yellow piece of parchment from a small pouch he has strapped to his waist and clicks with his other hand, making the paper spark into an electrical ball.
"I don't believe I heard a thank you from you yet?" My mind snaps back into reality and I raise my eyebrow at him in a mocking way.
"I didn't ask for your help kind sir. Therefore I don't see why I should need to. I had this handled." I cross my arms and look this mystery man in the face. I get a better look at the detailing on his features from his fluffy-looking brown hair to the brown eyes that look at me in a flirtatious and cocky manner.
"I do still believe I got you your money back so why don't I get a small kiss as a thank you." The man leans closer to me before I push him away with my hands placed on his shoulders.
"I don't kiss random strangers, okay buddy?"
"Then let me not be a stranger anymore. The name is Merlin, my lady, I am apart of the renowned group called the F7."
"Ah yes, I've heard of you Mr 'part-time hero, full-time romantic'," I wave my hands in the air mocking the man in front of me.
"The name is (Y/N) and I'm just here on a quest. So if you don't mind I have a queen to rescue, thanks for the help though magic boy." I walk off out of the alley and away from the surprisingly attractive saviour.
"It's Merlin!" I hear him call out from behind.

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