Remember Edwin

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Edwin awoke to crisp air flowing through his window, a familiar feeling to him. He groggily uncovers himself and arises from the bed, feeling unsteady and sore. His head throbs with an insistent pounding, causing him to wince and lean against his dresser while trying to catch his breath. His back, shoulders and knees ache, causing him to wobble on unsteady feet.

"Babe, are you ok?" A worried, angelic voice calls to him from somewhere behind. He goes to reply, but winces again with a strained whimper. "My darling, let me get your medicine!" The voice continues, seeming more scared, before footsteps leave the room. Shortly after, the steps return, followed by a bottle of water and a small cup holding three little green pills in it. "Take them quickly before you get even more sick my love." The voice softly urges, to which he nods and swiftly does so, only thinking of relief from his current state. After catching his breath for a moment, he feels numbness wash over him, with the added instance of exhaustion. He almost loses his footing before tiny arms wrap around him. "Steady love, let's get you back to sleep." The voice says into his ear, lolling him back to his bed. "You'll feel better when you awake again." It promises, him nodding as he's guided back to his bed.

Looking up from the bed, he finds himself being tucked in by a beautiful woman, one he's certain he knows. He remembers her... But from where? She's important to him, but how? He starts to ask, but she presses her fingers to his lips, smiling sadly at him. "Shhh... My dear, rest now and you'll have a clearer mind when you awaken." Her full lips promises before she leans forward and kisses him. She leaves as his eyelids droop on their own accord, his world enveloped in darkness soon enough. In the edges of the darkness, he can see a dancing angel with twinkling ember eyes, red luscious curls, and a body that calls to him like no other. His nameless angel...

Edwin awakens again, feeling much more comfortable and relaxed. He stands and finds himself in his room. Dark mahogany with red and gold accents throughout his large room. He stretches and yawns as he makes his way to the ensuite restroom. As he exits, he catches the attention of his angel, her turning to greet him with a smile. He returns a lopsided one as he greets her. "Hello Ammarah, thanks for taking care of me again." He quietly says, feeling a tinge of guilt as he wraps his wife in a hug. His episodes put quite the toll on them both, he can only count his blessings and hope that their love would keep it worth it for her. "I'm sorry, I love you so much Arah!" He whispers before kissing her.

Ammarah giggles as the kiss breaks, leaning into his arms. "There's nothing to apologize for, I know that I'll always be in your heart. Our love is deeper than the oceans and more endless than space!" She replies, resting her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. Each fall silent, savoring the moment until his stomach makes itself heard. With another giggle, she leans back and beams up at him. "I just finished making brunch, shall we?"

He finds himself counting his many blessings again as he nods with his own illuminating smile. "Yes, your meals are always to die for, my darling angel!" He enthusiastically replies as he leads her from the room. She hums happily as they make their way to the dining room, a tune he's heard forever it seems.

As they finish their meal, he hears tinkling, followed by a muted woof. He turns, lighting up at the trotting great dane coming to greet him. "Hey there buddy! How're you doing today Ivan?" He coos as he pets his beloved pet.

"That beast, please don't let him lick your face!" Ammarah exclaims, her face scrunched in disgust as the dog leans on him and licks him all over. She sighs and rolls her eyes at them. "Here's your next dose." She murmurs as she places the pills on the table, then grabs Ivan's collar and starts to lead him away. "Come on Ivan, you can't smother him." Ivan whimpers and glances back at him before they both disappear out of the door.

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