Chapter 1

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                 Hugo started as an average test monkey, but he was loved. He had always been frightened by Dr. Emilia. When she walked into the lab and said to give him 3 tests a day, he was panic-stricken. Luckily his parents-Song and Lio- comforted him and gave him his new favorite object, his star blanket. Unfortunately, things would only get worse.

                 They kept experimenting until one day they walked in and he could spell his name with blocks and speak his name.  They quickly decided they loved him too much to turn him in to Emilia. They explained the rules to him,  no piano, talking, singing, or even reading if they weren't there. Basically, he had to act like the average mandrill. Song and Lio were there during the day and he was able to be himself around them.  He could all the things he wasn't allowed to when they weren't there. They loved him, and he is safe with them. 

                   One day he asked them about his parents. They shared a look and Song gently told him "Your parents were regular test mandrills."

                   "Were?" Hugo asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. They shared a look before Lio spoke up this time. 

                    "They eventually died down here," he said "no one's quite sure why, though." Hugo had started crying and was in the corner curled up in a fetal position. Lio and Song brought him his star blanket and hugged him, before play his favorite song. Once he calmed down they told him "Your birth parents may have died, but you have a new family," they look at each other then back at him with kind smiles, "us. We love you, Hugo."

               Although, he has read every book, even when they aren't there, and is struggling to restrain himself at night. "...which is why he would forever be known as King Louis the Beloved," he finished reading the book to his parents, he'd finally allowed himself to think that in his head. This led into a short, happy rant, which ended in them warning him how he has to be quiet. because they fear he'll be taken away by Emilia. 

                 They left soon after, while he was sadly clutching the book. He opened the book back up and imagined life as a royal. That is when he broke the rules. He started playing a very ironic song on the piano (at the top), at the end of the song he had been discovered by a daunted  Doctor Emilia. She immediately ordered Song, Lio, Greta, and Zane to come into the lab. 

                   Saying Lio and Song were nervous when going to see Emilia with Hugo would be an extreme understatement. Even so, their fear increased when they walked in to Hugo's room and found him petrified in front of he piano. They knew straight away that they had been caught, but chose to instead calm Hugo, who had now taken to cowering under the piano. They didn't have his blanket and couldn't sing to him, so they just hugged him and whispered to calm down, that he was safe. Emilia had instructed them to take him outside, into the hall.

                  Hugo trudged out of the room, gripping his dad's arm in fear of the future. Doctor Emilia interrogated his parents and he tightened his grip, panic starting to set in. The conversation was a blur. Until, "...-back into the animals they are."  the insane  doctor said "Zane, take a sample." Hugo ran away, sweating, and when Zane grabbed his hand Hugo's sweat splashed on Zane's face. 

                   "Stop it!" yelled Hugo, panicked. Zane stopped and Hugo, puzzled, said "Let go of me? Please?" Zane, again did as Hugo asked. Emilia asked what he was doing. Song theorized out loud that the mutagen must have heightened the effects of his pheromones. She told Hugo to tell him something else. "...Do.. the waltz?" He dropped the needle and waltzed. Doctor Emilia was amazed and led Zane out of the room, giving orders for Song and Lio to stay there and watch Hugo. 

                    Hugo was looking at his hands with many emotions, non of which were positive. "What you just did is remarkable!" Song said "a little scary, but remarkable."

                    "Is it true?" Hugo questioned, ignoring Song's statement. "You only gave me intelligence so you could take it away from everyone else?"

                    They, once again, shared a look before Lio spoke up "That's how it started, but you showed us we couldn't be a part of that anymore. That's why we're going to escape the burrow."

                     "Let's escape right now!" Hugo said with urgency.  They shared a look of concern before Lio stated that they couldn't. "Yes we can! I can make them do whatever I want with my pheromone," Hugo said, speaking faster. "I can make them pay for being so mean to us." he said with rage in his voice. 

                        "I know you're angry, and I am too,"Lio consoled "but forcing people to do things against their will, that's wrong, Hugo." Hugo looked down, ashamed.

                          "As soon as the baby's born, we're breaking you out of here." Song offered.

                            "We'll escape together. I promise." Lio added. They brought Hugo back to his room and wished him sweet dreams.

However, everything went downhill from there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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