Angel of the Alpha -12

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Angel of the Alpha -12

Abhi just laughed looking at her and kissed her forehead...... Manik is just admiring his girl ....

They all got settled down in the room .....all the gaurds and servants left the room,closing the door ......there are only mighty moon pack members and family of king in the room....

King : I would love to introduce my second daughter naughty  princess nandini......he says side hugging nandu .....she smiles looking ar everyone , but didn't even look at manik .....

Neo : she is so pretty ....

Nandini : thank you luna ....

King : so princess  , they are from mighty moon pack .....he is Raj the master alpha,she is neonika his luna ....

Nandu moved forward and hugged both of them ....neo kissed nandu forehead .....

Queen : he is cabir , the beta of their pack and navya his mate .....

Nandu just waved her hand at both of them.....

King : finally that's dhruv the gamma of their pack  and his mate Aliya , all these three are brothers....

Queen : you forgot him king , that's manik the alpha of mighty moon pack .....

Nandu nodded  in yes but didn't look at him, manik is just waiting for her to atleast look at him.........

Mukti : tell her something new , that to not what she knows, she knows him more than anyone here ........she just murmured to herself but it's heard by abhi and nandu who are sitting on either sides of her ....

Nandu just elbowed her to keep quiet .....

Nandu : nice meeting you all....but y did you call me dad .....

King : they need your help ???

Nandu : what's wrong any problem???

King : Aliya can't speak bcoz she lost her voice in an incident .....

Nandu : what happened ???

King : it's something only you can ask her ...

Nandu : what happened so bad that she felt such shock ??? Is there any threat to her .....come on dad can't stop after saying half ....she asked getting angry ....

Cabir : relax young lady, stop getting tensed , dhruv will tell you ...

Dhruv turned to see aliya nodding in yes ....

Dhruv : she saw the death of her parents by rivals , in shock she lost her voice....

Nandu immediately gets up from her chair ....

Nandu : who the hell are those brutal rascals ....????

Queen : mind your words nandu....see where you are ????

Nandu : how dare they kill them ???? Who are those ...???

Dhruv : it's that Aliya don't want to fight against them , so we didn't go for a fight ....

Nandu : but y ???

Dhruv : she don't want anyone of us hurt, she wants this family to live forever with her so we  respected her desicion....but if  they attack us ....we are not gonna spare them.....

Nandu : okay ....saying she moved to Aliya who is sitting beside dhruv on one couch ....." Can you sit with abhi ?,can I sit beside her ??" , She asked dhruv .....

He smiled and moved to sit with abhi , who now is sitting between dhruv and mukti .....

Nandu : hai....she says with a smile to Aliya ....

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