Fucking Smokes --Zarry One Shot-- Pt.2 (Highly requested)

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Fucking Smokes --Zarry One Shot-- Pt.2 (Highly Requested)

"Harry, I'm scared." Zayn spoke, his face pale and his brown eyes wide. He lay across the operating operating table. His hair was in a blue hair net and he wore nothing besides a top-half gown. His arms were restrained against the table with light blue straps, a safety precaution.

I held his hand closest to me, using my other to stroke his face. He had already been given the epitural and morphine, the doctor was about ready to start. We had prepared the last nine months for this moment, and it was finally here.

I stood beside him in my blue scrubs, ready to meet our child. Zayn had opted for no video camera or pictures of the birth, saying it was just to gruesome and something that wasn't fit for photography.

"Shh.. Shh.. It'll be alright." I soothed, brushing the few tears away from his face.

"Mr. Malik, tell if you feel anything." The anesthesiologist began to poke around his body, checking to make sure he was fully numb.

Once we were sure Zayn was fully numb, the doctor announced he was beginning his work. Only once did I try to peak around the blue sheet to see what was going on. They were making the first cut into his lower abdomen. A soft gasp from Zayn brought me back to his level though.

"You okay?" I asked, concerned for him.

"Mmmhmm.." He pressed his lips together, more tears coming out. "This feels so odd.." I continued stroking his face and allowed him to squeeze my hand.

When the doctor reached inside of him to move the child about, he began to shake. It wasn't just a little tremble either, it was a full on shake.

"You're doing wonderful love, just wonderful.. So strong.. We're almost done.." I cooed.

The oxygen tubes connected to his nostrils made him look fragile. I kissed about his face, giving him something else to focus on besides the sickening slosh noises going on below.

A soft pop accompanied by a large gasp from Zayn, brought the child into the world.

A heavy, heavy cry filled the room, and the doctor lifted the squirming, guts covered infant above the sheet for Zayn and I to get a peak, before sending him or her off to the nurses area for a check.

Looking down at Zayn, he was smiling and crying heavily. Tears and boogies sit on his face, unable to wipe them. I used my sleeve to clean him, crying along with him.

"Go see our baby." He cried, motioning his head in her direction.

"Zayn, I can stay with you. We'll see her in a minute or two.." I assured, not wanting to leave him so vulnerable by himself while the doctors stitched him.

"Harry, I said go. Make sure he has ten fucking toes and ten fucking fingers. Make sure he is alright!" His face hardened. He was purely worried.

Listening to his commands, I dropped his hand and went across the hall to see our child. When I entered the room, a nurse smiled brightly at me as she was leaving, congratulating me. Another nurse was drying off a newly rinsed child, whom was still screaming.

Looking up from her work, she also smiled, calling me over to meet her. My stomach dropped, and my footsteps shortened in length. My world seemed to stop spinning, as I started crying again. I stopped walking half way through the room, staring at the small child who was getting diapered. I made that.

I jumped a little when a short dark nurse took me by the shoulders, pushing me towards the child.

"First time daddy, it'll be alright. Come meet you're son."

"So-Son?" The women smiled at my slow responses.

My fingers blindly met the glass crib my baby was in. He was moving and kicking wildly as the nurses tried to bundle him into a blanket. My heart skipped a beat as he looked to me, his deep deep dark eyes full of fear.

The nurse placed him into my arms, and I immediately fell in love.

"Do you want to feed him or would you like a nurse to do it, Mr. Styles?"

Looking up, I met her eyes. "Uhm.. I will. But wait, does he have all his toes?" I panicked for a moment, taking each of his hands and counting twice, before trying to get through the tightly wound blanket to see his feet.

"He does, he does. Calm down, Mr. Styles, he is perfectly healthy." I sighed with relief.

"I need to tell Zayn.." I handed my son off to the RN before going across the hall to notify my lover.


Zayn sat at an almost flat angle on the recovery bed, IV in his right hand. I pulled up a chair next to him, holding our newborn in an way that Zayn could see him fully, and was able to keep his left hand on him. He refused to hold him any longer, since he had the past five hours he'd been here.

"I told you he was a little boy. I could feel it." Zayn smiled, watching our sleeping little man.

"I was sure he was a girl! I feel bad now, all though times I called him daddies princess when I talked to him while you were sleeping..."

"Well, we know he is a prince now."

"Little Amir Conner Styles-Malik... Quite the name really.." I noted. Looking at my son, I thought it fit him well. His soft skin had began darkening as the red from birth washed away. His long eye lashes rested beautifully against his cheeks. His dark hair was long for a new child, curling in a little at his ears. The only thing that made it believable that he was also my child was the nose. He had the same structure as mine.

The end :) Hope you all that asked for a second enjoyed it :)

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