Chapter 3: Butterfly Encounter

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Kiri had no idea what to do. She stood still as a statue, with her nose pointed up where the little silver butterfly stood. The wolf pup fought the urge to sneeze every time the butterfly shifted ever so slightly. At this close of a distance from the creature, Kiri could easily see the fine details of the butterfly’s wings. Their silver white hue was as pure as Kiri’s blood. Shimmering specks of butterfly dust drifted to the ground from its broken wing, which were in fact the scales of its wing.

Then at last, Kiri could not hold it any longer. She shook and sneezed, ruffling her golden brown fur. The silver butterfly fluttered to the ground, staying clear of any trampling paws. The golden wolf immediately went over to sniff at it, reassuring that it was okay before lying down beside it. Kiri was so close that every little exhale she let out vibrated the wings of the butterfly. It stood still, not moving for several minutes. Kiri patiently swished her tail; her silver eyes were still full of wonder on the starry winged creature. And plus, Kiri had all the time in the world in this grey world.

Finally, the butterfly fluttered its wings. It didn’t take flight, but rather hopped towards Kiri’s paw. Once it got there, it went still once more.

What are you? Kiri pondered, sniffing and inspecting the insect.

I’m a butterfly, a voice spoke in Kiri’s head. Kiri sprang back in surprise; the little pinpricks of her fur standing on edge. The butterfly still stood there.

Now fascinated by the mysterious voice, Kiri wanted to try again. What’s a butterfly? A pause of silence. But then the same voice answered.

It’s a tiny animal with beautiful wings. Kiri scanned the grey area for the owner’s voice. The only thing that existed was herself and the creature below her. So the little wolf pup looked towards it.

Are you the one who I am hearing? Kiri asked the butterfly. The butterfly flexed its wings in response. It wasn’t a sure reply, but Kiri took it as a yes. And she most definitely enjoyed the company of it.

Where did you come from, Butterfly? How were you falling from the air? What are wings? She inquired. Ah, and my name’s Kiri.

It appeared as if the butterfly shifted uncomfortably. Perhaps it wasn’t used to a storm of questions. Or the overwhelming attention. But the little wolf can’t help itself as its world is opening up to a new light. And living in a grey world, Kiri had all the patience in the world to wait for the butterfly’s response.

If butterflies could sigh, this one would have let out the longest sigh of its life. It crawled on Kiri’s paw before fluttering up and landing gracefully on the tip of the wolf’s ear.

Wings are the silver things on my back that lets me move in the air. They can take me anywhere I want. And my name is not Butterfly; that’s what I am, the butterfly corrected. Kiri cocked her head sideways in confusion. If butterflies couldn’t sigh, perhaps they could shake their head. This one probably did.

You’re a wolf, but that is not who you are. You’re Kiri. I am Lyra. Like the constellation. But for some reason, you don’t quite look like a normal wolf because there’s something on your back–

–What’s a constellation?

The butterfly, Lyra, stared at the little golden wolf. The wolf pup rolled over on the round and stared at her upside down in dumb joy. She officially gave up on it and glided to the ground. She’s so free-spirited, Lyra thought to herself. Kiri, on the other hand, found it surprisingly pleasant to look at the world upside down, since now there was something that could tell her she was upside, instead of the same grey around her. She wagged her tail happily with the widest doggie grin she could manage.

Lyra turned away from Kiri. She’s so bright and full of light, she thought. She’s too bright and full of light for me.  Lyra started walking in the opposite direction. Puzzled once more, Kiri rolled back over and looked at the tiny silver figure moving away from it. The butterfly flapped its wings once, but landed back on the ground, still moving away from the wolf. On its second attempt, she was able to get lift despite her injured wing and flew into the distant grey. All the while, Kiri sat there in the same spot, looking in the direction where the butterfly was headed. But she didn’t go after it; just sat as the haze of silver light vanished from her view, and then sat for some more. She had forgotten she was bleeding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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