Chapter 1: Companions

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**Addy's POV**

Its a sunny day in Britain so I slip on my hoodie and pulled on my sneakers and walk out the door. I made my way towards the book store. I continue walking when this old blue police box appears on the corner of the cross walk. Literally no one but me noticed this weird box just chilling on the corner so I decide to walk up to it. As I made my way across the busy sidewalk the door creaked open and a girl my age slowly poked her head out the door examining the people around her. By now I'm only a foot or two from the mysterious box. She sharply turns to me realizing that I can see her and her box so she grabs my arm and roughly pulls me through the opening of the small box.
"Who the hell do you thi-' I stop mid sentence noticing my surroundings. I back up out of the box walk all the way around it and then walk back it.
"I-its bigger on the inside" I stutter.
"I LOVE it when they say that." She exclaims.
"What is this thing" I ask.
"T-A-R-D-I-S, Time and Relative Dimensions in Space" She answers not even bothering to look in my direction.
"What does it do?" I ask
"It takes me then, there, now, when and wherever I want" She answers.
"It's a timey wimey space travely box, smart one" She says with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh um ok" I say staring at my feet slightly embarrassed.
"Soooo what's your name?" I ask awkwardly.
"Oh please just call me the Doctor." she says.
"Um Doctor who?"
"Aww we're going to get along perfectly well. It's just the Doctor by the way" She answers. By now I'm beyond confused by the conversation do I just sit down on the floor and stare at her.
"Well what are you staring at? Ugh whatever come on now I'll give you the grand tour" She grabs my hand and drags me up off the floor.
"Well if we take these stairs up they lead to the observatory, bed rooms, and the game room. If we take them down they lead to the pool, the kitchen, four of the eight bathrooms are that way, and the gym. If we walk forward that's the library and another two bathrooms. If we walk to my left we'll end up at the wardrobe and yet another bathroom and behind me leads to the companion room and a few other rooms." She spews as she drags me down a darkened hall corridor.
"Oh and there's a swing under the control room and a balcony by the observation room." She says as she starts walking a bit faster
"So where are we going first" she asks me
"Um how about the balcony" I say kind of unsure. Why there would be a balcony on a space ship when we can't breathe without air? We make are way through what seems like never ending corridor until we finally get there. She opens two French doors and sure enough there's a balcony.
"Um why is there a balcony if we can't breath with oxygen?" I ask
"Oh the TARDIS has a shield around it. Its also been in your mind making you able to understand any alien language." She says while admiring Britain from the balcony.
We finish the tour awhile later and now I'm sitting on the swing under the control room.
"Doctor" I call out
"Yes" She answers
"How old are you" I ask
"I'll be 2,000 in May" She calls back.
"How many companions have you had?" I call out.
"About 37 give or take a few" She yells back
"Oh" I mumble to myself.
"Am I a companion?" I call out again. I can hear her audibly sigh.
"That depends. How long to you plan on staying for" she says.
"I don't know, no ones really waiting or looking for me so I guess I can stay for a bit" I say kind of unsure of myself.
"A bright, nice young woman like yourself why wouldn't anyone be looking for you?" The Doctor asks curiously. I stare off for a moment and respond.
"Because, I have no one left" And with that I ended the conversation and started to walk down the winding halls of the TARDIS.

**Time Skip 1 Week**

I've been with the Doctor for about a week. We haven't really done anything really great, I mean we've gone and done some cool stuff. Like we went back in time to watch the Eiffel Tower being built. Oh, and we met Edgar Allan Poe but besides that we've kind of just been hanging out. We were in the TARDIS when the Doctor stopped us back in present day Britain.
"Why'd we come back?" I asked.
"I don't know, sometimes the TARDIS just transports it's self" the Doctor says "Oh" I mutter "Weird" I stand up and walk out of the TARDIS. The minute I step out into the sun my hands fly up to cover my face. "AHHH IT BURNS" I yell. People turn and look but I kind of just shake it off. (A/N *Mutters* shake it off shake it off) I start laughing at the Tay Tay Swifty referance I just made in my head. It gets to the point that I have to sit down I'm laughing so hard. The doctor emerges from the box, looks at me and continues to walk down the street. I force myself up off the group still slightly laughing and follow her. "Doctor where the hell are you going" I yell after her. "On an adventure of corse" She yells back at me from over her shoulder.

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