Surprise (Part 2)

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Song: I Choose You - Sara Bareilles 

Your wedding day with Rosa......

- She's really nervous but for some reason refuses to let you know that

- She wears like a white/off white pants suit/jumpsuit kind of thing with a blazer

- She wears like a white/off white pants suit/jumpsuit kind of thing with a blazer

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- Arlo the ring bearer, but hes a puppy and is a lot harder to train than Cheddar. Captain Holt trains him anyway, but frequently calls him a "common bitch" 

- Holt officiates like he did for Jake and Amy

- Its a small/simple wedding with your friends and family, but still really beautiful. 

- You thought she would just want to do it in private so nobody would have to see her show so many feelings, but this was her idea. 

- Looks like this maybe?

- The ceremony is indoors

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- The ceremony is indoors. 

- This is Rosa's face when she sees you: 

- But then her expression kinda softens and its more like

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- But then her expression kinda softens and its more like.... 

- You planned that at some point during the day, you guys get a moment for just the two of you, as a surprise for Rosa

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- You planned that at some point during the day, you guys get a moment for just the two of you, as a surprise for Rosa. You thought it would be sweet, and you drink a couple of beers together instead of bellinis like Amy suggested. 

- When you eat the cake, Rosa gets frosting on your face on purpose, followed by her snort-laugh. She thinks its hilarious........ until you do it back. 

- When you get home that night, you have sex............... a lot. Can't even get through the front door fast enough before Rosa carries you to your bed and takes your dress off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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