yeah, so if you're here for some reason and don't know what the hell im talking about, i decided to make a fanfiction about myself and deadfall from -lightsabove 's story Viva la Vida.
before you read this here are somethings ya'll need to know
1) i wrote, and got most of the ideas for this in my math class. meaning that the back of my math textbook is full of random ideas and notes (why did i tell you this? idk)
2) im not a professional writer AT ALL. the writing is trash and extremely cringy because im not spending time editing a fanfic that started off as a joke
3) as stated above this is A JOKE. i was laughing with my friends because im weirdly attracted to villainous, morally grey guys in books (stabby bad bois), realized that i was in love with my friend's book character, and was like "iMma WriTe A fAnfIc"
4) if you're reading this you probably know all this
5) anyway there's going to be around 4 parts? like there's a prologue (it's short, it's like one paragraph) two main parts (also kinda short) and maybe an epilogue? idk. what im trying to say is that it's going to be very smol (just like my 5 foot self) like 2 main chapters max
6) anyway i hope you guys like this as much as i do
(side note: there is a lot of melfall and some mechfall because ya know mechfall is otp)
Randomin which i write a fanfic on me and a stabby bad boi mech and deadfall are characters that belong to @-lightsabove