Chapter One

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  Me and Oliver are standing outside of the train station, waiting for the train to Texas. I look up at him, shading my eyes against the bright sun and I see that he's already looking at me. I smile, and he bends down to kiss my cheek.
  "Oliver, are you sure you want to go with me? I know you were planning on going-"
  "Of course I want to go with you. I can't just let you go to Texas all by yourself, can I?" He jokingly winks at me, and looks back at where the train will appear. He had always been a class clown and it had never worn off even when we graduated. Me, on the other hand, had always been a bit of a worrier.
  We had been together since the beginning of high school and he always made sure to keep my mind off of things for a little while. I smiled at the memory of him twirling my hair between his fingers while I took an exam, whispering to me how much it looked like caramel.
  "What are you thinking?" Oliver had bent down to whisper in my ear and I blushed lightly.
  "I'm thinking about you." I turned to look into his blue eyes, his dark curly hair just above his eyebrows. He smiled brightly and grabbed some of my hair and pulled it to his nose. He closed his eyes and sighed sweetly, dropping it as the train began to pull into the station. Before I could react, Oliver had grabbed my bags and his own and was waiting at the train doors.
  "Ladies first." He smirked. I smiled at him and stepped up onto the train. I handed in our tickets and went to our seat. Oliver was putting our bags in the compartment when the train finally began to move. He finally sat down beside me and draped his arm over my shoulder and his head against mine. I giggled as I thought about the height difference between him and I, his height being 6'4 and my own well below that.
  I could tell Oliver was asleep when he grabbed my hand and rested all his weight on me. His hands were always sweaty, no matter what we were doing and how the weather was and it was a sort of comfort to me.
  My mind drifted off into slumber as well, and I dreamed about me and Oliver together in Texas. I woke up when I felt a jolt in the movement of the train. I sat up straight and realized that Oliver had been awake the entire time and had been holding my head against his chest.
  "Goodmorning sunshine. We had to make a stop for some other borders."
  "Where are we?"
  I stared out of the window at the skyscrapers and the setting sun in astonishment. Once everyone was on board, the train began to move again. We passed several more buildings as the train went through Birmingham. When we were officially out of Birmingham, my anxiety levels began to peak. Was going to Texas what I really wanted? I began to feel a bit queasy until I felt Oliver grab my hand.
  "Amelia, calm down love. Everything is going to be fine, I'm here with you" He pulls me into a hug and I cling to his shirt, smelling his cologne as I bury my face into his chest. I finally calm down but Oliver doesn't let go.
  "I love you, Ollie." I snuggle closer to him and begin to drift back to sleep.
  "I love you more," is the last thing I hear before I slip into a dream. It's me and Oliver in a living room watching something on tv. From somewhere in the house, I hear giggling and I get up to find out what it is. I follow the noise down the hallway into a child's room. A little girl who looks just like Oliver is on the floor playing with dolls. Her dark ringlets fall down her back and she looks up at me and smiles.
  I jolt awake and pull away from Oliver to stretch. It's dark outside and the train lights have come on inside. I look over at Oliver and smile, pecking him on the lips. He smirks at me and pulls me closer to him.
  "Maybe we should go to our room?" His breath is warm against my lips and I blush.
  "Maybe we should." He smiles and presses his cool lips to mine and pulls me by my hand down the isle. We find our room number and Oliver traps me against the closed door. His lips capture mine in a passionate kiss, still managing to be so gentle. He lifts me up and tells me to wrap my legs around his waist. We finally pull away from the door and he lays me down on the bed.
  "Amelia." I bite his bottoms lip gently and he growls into my mouth. He pulls away for only a moment to take his shirt off and to unbutton his pants.
  Once he's back on top of me, I lightly rub his chest and stomach with my fingertips. A shiver runs through his body and he pulls my hands away and puts them above my head. Oliver begins to slowly kiss my neck, opening my button up shirt and unhooking my bra. The cool air that comes from the cracked window chills my body, making my breasts perk up. He sees this, taking one into his mouth and swirling his tongue around my nipple. I gasp and arch my back, pushing more into him.
  I say his name breathlessly and I feel his bulge pressing against me. Oliver begins kissing my sides and with his free hand he plays with my other nipple. Chills run down my body and I hold my breath. I jump when I feel his teeth nipping at the skin above my skirt. He lets go of my hands and they immediately go to his hair, slightly pulling at the curls.
  His hands go up my skirt, rubbing the insides of my thighs gently. A pool of desire rest between my legs the more he rubs and the closer he gets to the apex between my legs. Oliver pauses and looks up at me, asking permission before going any further. I nod and he moves up my body to give me a kiss. Going back down, he gets on his knees and pulls my bottom closer to his face. My face is on fire as he lifts my skirt slowly to slide my panties down.
  "Oh Amelia, you're so beautiful." My eyes roll back as he gives my clit a small kiss. He kisses my inner thigh and starts leaving small wet kisses all over, barely touching my vagina with his lips as he moves to the other leg. I'm dripping by the time he's done teasing me and he moves the skirt up more. Pulling me impossibly closer, his cool tongue slides between my lips and I gasp loudly.
  He puts my legs over his shoulders and slowly begins to suck and lick on my clit. I'm a mess of moans and whimpers, and he groans into me when I call his name. Oliver's tongue dives into me and I squeal and tighten my legs. When he sees that I'm close to cumming, he slows down the movement of his tongue, edging me closer and closer only to slow down again.
  "I want to hear you beg for it." His blue eyes look up to my face and I blush profusely. He smirks at this and just barely hovers over my clit with his mouth.
  "Oliver please, quit teasing me." His growl vibrates my vagina and he begins to suck on my clit. I gasp as I orgasm, sending a rush over ecstasy over me, and I shake as he laps up my cum. I hear his pants and belt fall and I feel the bed move as Oliver moves up the bed. I stare up at him with hooded eyes and he kisses me deeply. Removing my skirt, he moves me around on the bed and positions himself between my legs.
  I feel him rubbing his dick around slowly on my clit and through my lips. He moans slightly as he feels my wetness, and he leans down over me.
  "May I?" He whispers in my ear and I say yes, preparing myself for his size. He slowly sheaths his dick in my vagina and I moan into his ear. With each stroke he takes he makes sure to go slow and deep, which sends waves of lust over me. I beg him to flip me over and I feel his lust grow. He turns me over, lifting my bottom into the air and pressing my face down into the bed.
  My breathing grows shallow as he teases me with his dick, just barely sticking the head in.
  "Oliver please!" He slides in, slowly at first but begins to fasten his pace. I hear him moaning my name and I tighten around him as I orgasm once again, and not too long after me he cums as well.
  We lay under the covers, my head on his chest and his hand in my hair. I sigh in contentment and cuddle closer to Oliver. Our legs are entangled together and I hug him tighter.
  "Amelia?" His voice is tentative and I sit up.
  "Yes, Ollie?" I turn slightly to look at him, holding the cover over my chest. His face is red and he tugs at his curls. He looks back at me sheepishly and pulls something out of the drawer.
  "Amelia, I- will you marry me?" My eyes widen as I stare at him. I wait for him to bust out into laughter and tell me it's some elaborate prank. He never does. He sits up against the headboard and pushes some of my hair behind my ear. Oliver sits up and rests his forehead against my own.
  Pulling a little box from behind him, he opens it. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. My eyes start to tear up as I stare at the little ring in the box. He stares into my eyes deeply and bites his lip.
  "I love you, Amelia. And I know you love me too. We've been together since high school and we've been together 5 years. I really think it's time. Because I want to be with you forever. Do you want the same?" I smile behind my hand and begin to cry.
  "Yes. Yes I'll marry you, Oliver!" I throw myself onto him and he hugs me tightly. I can feel his hot tears against my shoulder and I hold him even tighter. Pulling back, he smiles and wipes away the tears, slipping the ring onto my left finger.
"I love you, Mrs. Hudson."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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