Chapter 1

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"Meet me again after Im out in a year!"

"Meet me again after Im out in a year!"

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Rickdorian finally spoke. His blue eyes radiated in the gleam of the night. His plum red lips were in contrast to his snow-white skin. His chest moved as he took deep breathings in between. His breaths were rugged, as if  struggling to bottle up his emotions. Rickdorian kept quiet after i told him that my time in prison is up. Its already time for me to be released from the prison. In other words, i'll no longer be able to visit him. Pet him. Care for him.

And that must meant a lot to him. I took a deep breath...After explaining my reason for this visit, Rickdorian kept his head down afterwards. Avoiding any eye contact with me. Funny, i think i understand how he feels. He wont be able to see me and await for my visits no more. It hurts like hell.

Even to me.

"Stop! Stop all these feelings now lana. Stop it!
You are no one in this story. You are nothing more than an insignificant side character." I monologued.

Deep down, i realize that i should no longer mingle and distort the original plot of this story any longer. Its too risky. I fear that the unknown ripple effect of my action will hurt Rickdorian more than his suffering now.

Yes, this is for his own good. I may have lied to myself before by disregarding the fact that i've come to deeply care for this beautiful blue-eyed lead character over the past months I was improsoned. But I made this choice because i genuinely want him to live a better life with Francsica by his side. I want him to be safely happy in someone's care. Someone that he needs. And someone that can cure him.

Francisca is the one for him. She has the healing power to undo the curse he's going through right this moment. She is the real heroine of this story. And i am simply but an insignificant side character. Both Francisca and Rickdorian must meet and the plot should go the way it is. They both must meet up, fall in love. Deeply in love. Then the power of their passionate love and their bodily union should lift the curse. When that finally happens, the blue rose mark tattoed on Rickdorian's left chest will disappear. Indicating the curse is no more.

His uncontrollable raw power itself is already a mighty curse on his rather thin physique. He had nice body structures, but he was not fed well and all his meals were malnourished. Every day he suffers from having to contain the enormous power within himself and controlling it, supressing it. Yet, the curse of turning into a man-beast has further stole a huge part of his consciousness and i cant bear to see him in this state any longer. Some days Rickdorian just loses to his beast side and I had to face it, trying hard to gain its trust.

I pity him. It hurts my heart seeing him that way. He was never loved, never cared by any of his royal-bloodline family for the being his is. And i hated the way he was treated in this prison cell. Even before he was thrown in this cell, he was caged at his family's mansion. His hellish life in Karambkram prison started at the age of 17 right after his curse awakened. His mother died giving birth to him and that made Rickdorian's father, Raphael, to hate him. As written in the storybook, Raphael blamed Rickdorian entirely for the loss of his dear one. Raphael blamed Rickdorian for being born with the curse and killing Mariam, Rickdorian's mother.

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