Prologue - Dead Men Tell No Tales

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So... Where to start with this story. Well, it never was a pretty one in the first place. Especially since I had to witness every part of it. I was only sixteen years old when it happened.

Sixteen years old when my life changed forever.

My father had always been a handy man, almost everything I know today was from him (The rest was from books and magazines) . From repairing a busted radio to fixing and maintaining most military-grade weaponry. We were welcomed in every town we moved to because of him and he made a lot of caps for his work too. My mother had taught me to cook. She wanted to make sure it would help me one day, when I'd be on my own.

She claimed it'd help me get a girlfriend one day. She also taught me to be a gentleman. And my sister, my sweet, loving sister. She was always caring for me, made sure I was fine, and stood up for me. Things that older sisters never did for there little brothers.

My father had always been a cautious man going to any means to keep us safe. If bandits or raiders starting attacking anywhere within a mile radius of the town we were in, he'd move us by the end of the week if they kept attacking, to another town. He made sure we all knew how to use a gun, he said he'd want us to be able to defend ourselves if it came to it when we were in the Mojave. Dad always had an Assault Carbine, a Hunting Shotgun, and a 12.7mm pistol as his weapons. Mom's was a Caravan Shotgun (I never knew why), a 9mm Pistol and a 9mm Submachine Gun. Val used a Scoped Varmint Rifle (with suppresser), a 10mm Submachine Gun, and 9mm Pistol.

Dad was always proud of what my choice of weapons was. Mine was a Cowboy Repeater, a .308 Scoped Hunting Rifle, and a 10mm Pistol. Like I said he was proud of my choices. He always had us practice when we had chances too. And, well let's just say that it helped get girls as well as cooking did. Girls liked a man who could defend and cook for them.(And sing and play the guitar.)

It happened about four months after we had moved into a new town. This town had the name of Hope. If I could get my hands on the person or persons who thought of that name now... They came during the night.

No mercy.

No compassion.

Everyone dead.

Everyone but me.

There were some families in the town that put up a fight. We were the only ones that lasted the whole raid almost.

The raid lasted for six hours. For five hours and forty-five minutes we held them off. They was when we ran out of ammo. The next fifteen minutes was when my life changed forever.

When they were finally about to storm the house to get us we knew what was to most-likely happen to us.

Our last moments together.
The Last for me.

The Legion soldiers dragged us outside for what they planned for us. First, they dragged my father into the street and started to beat him. This continued for five minutes. When they were done with him...t-th... they raped my sister. She had always been a pretty girl so... I guess we should have seen it coming. They made dad and the rest of us watch as they took turns doing the deed.

Then, she was tied to a cross, naked covered her in gas and lit her on fire. My Father's throat was cut right after she was set on fire. And my mother? They just shot her in the head like she wasn't worth doing anything else too.

I sat there staring at my mother after they shot her. As I stared a shadow fell over me. When I looked up I expected the business-end of a gun to be in my face. It was just the face of the man I'd come to hate.

Centurion Festus. (It was weird for his name to be "Happy" when he looked like he always wore a permanent scowl on his face.)

He stared at me, into my eyes, straight into my soul.

I stared back into his eyes. A fire burned there. A fire that only killing and rapping seems to keep it going.

He smiled at me.

A cold-heartless smile.

"I want you to know something boy." He said to me in a rough voice. "You're gonna do me and my boys here a favor, yeah?" A few of his men gave a "Yeah" in response. "You're gonna go and tell what happened here, you hear? You're gonna go and tell everyone what we did to this town. And what we did to your family." He said that last part with a sneer and his men started laughing. He got up and they started to leave town high-diving and clapping each other on the back.

I didn't move for the longest time, I sat there and cried. I cried and I cried and I cried. It all I could do at that moment. When the tears dried up I decided what to do next. I went to the shed and got the shovel out and started to dig a hole. When I decided it was deep and big enough I dragged my Father to it first, then Mother, then Sissy. I figured they'd wanna be together so why not bury them like this?

After I had buried them, I got some pieces of wood to make a cross for the grave. The only thing I could think to carve into it was "Here lies a Murdered Father, a Loved Mother, and a Caring Sister."

I then took the time to gather all the ammo and food I could find to have for what to do next. I found enough food to last a good while and plenty of ammo for my guns. I also found a Katana in the secret room Father had made in the house. I'm pretty sure it was there cause that was gonna be for my birthday... I decided I would stay in Hope for awhile until I figured out my next move but, I didn't have too. Two days later an NCR Patrol was passing through.

When they found me they were amazed at what that I was still alive after what happened. After telling them what happened they offered to take me somewhere safe that I'd be perfect to have there. I said yes of course I didn't wanna stay there forever. They rested for a few days in the town with me before heading to whereever we were going. On the day we were leaving, as they were packing up I stood in front of the grave. I was trying to hold back the tears and the dam was about to burst. I felt someone take my hand and I looked through my bleary vision to look at the youngest member of the Patrol. Her name was Lily and she was sixteen (about to turn seventeen) we talked basically the whole time they were here.

She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and gave me a hug. And I started crying then. Not one of my manliest moments but, Lily didn't care she was there for me. "Lily?" A voice called from in the house. The backdoor opened and her older brother, Matthew, walked out. He actually smiled when he saw what she was doing. "We're heading back, Sis." he told her, nodded to me, and walked back in. I looked back at the grave and said, "Goodbye, I'll visit when I can."

With that I turned to go into the house and begin my new life.

Author's Note

Heyyyyyy...So heh... First time doing this but, I wanted to apologize for how long it took to add the final little things to this my mind was like everywhere. And, I hadn't been on for awhile cause of school so sorry about that. Just wanted to add if you enjoyed this book so far and you get stuck waiting for it to continue please read my other books you won't be disappointed. (I mean unless you're not into the stuff I write then f*** you) Just joking haha love you all
Wasian (It's a nickname I got from school cause there's to many Hunter's in band so I was starting to be called that and I'm also since I was Asian yeah that's how that happened) so bye!

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