Only you can call me babe (Bea)

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Y/n x Bea

Please don't be afraid to send in recommendation on who you want next!

A meaty twack echoed through the area, as Y/n found himself staggering backwards from the force of the blow, blood dripping down his nose, before spinning on the ball of his left foot, allowing his right leg to shoot out and collide with Lucario's jaw. Grinning in excitement, Y/n didn't even bother holding back anymore as he leaped at his partner, who elegantly danced backwards, directing Y/n's foot that was aimed at his face.

"Ready to take it up a notch?" Rhetorically chuckled Y/n, his normal amber eyes turning a brilliant shade of blue a second later, aura gathering within his two hands, before rapidly starting to spin, all the while Y/n could see the aura from every living being.

"LU!" Determinedly growled Lucario, his own Aura Sphere forming a second later, though unlike Y/n's, it was well more refined that the teen's, since Y/n was still relatively new to aura.

Flicking his right arm forward, Y/n didn't waste a second in chasing after his Aura Sphere, which was rapidly homing in on Lucario, who smirked at the tactic, throwing his own at Y/n's, before clapping both paws together. A solid bone of aura slowly grew from Lucario's paw, the canine bared his teeth before running after his own Aura Sphere, while allowing the bone to loosely dangle in his right paw.

"That's so cool! You can use aura?!" Bewilderedly gawked an abrupt voice, Y/n's and Lucario's eyes widened in surprise, both looking at the source of the voice, and completely forgetting about the fact they were sparring with the other.

Both human and Pokémon collided with one another, Y/n's Aura Sphere being unfortunate enough to be caught between the two aura users, promptly exploding once pressure was applied to both sides. Y/n felt himself become weightless a second later, his feet flying off of the ground, as his body went flying backwards, colliding with a tree.

Lucario wasn't as fortunate as Y/n, since the Pokémon was now laying on the ground with swirls in his eyes, and was laying on a broken tree stump, having received the harshest part of the explosion. Instead of being concerned, Y/n  held both of his hands up in victory, calmly jogging over to his downed partner, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a Revive.

"You know it's rude to interrupt a fight, even ruder to stare." Amusedly chuckled Y/n, snapping the Revive in half with just his right arm, his muscles bulking slightly in his right arm, as the Revive was unnecessarily hard to break. "So, may I get a name?" Curiously hummed Y/n, absentmindedly wiping the blood that was trailing down his nose, as his partner jolted upwards with a gag, glaring at Y/n as he realized what had happened.

"Lucario! Lu! Lu! Cario!" Annoyedly growled Lucario, watching in annoyance as he saw Y/n roll his eyes, Y/n had known him long enough to know what Lucario meant, and flicked Lucario's forehead.

"Don't be such a baby, it's just a Revive. Besides, you have used them on me more often than I've with you." Loudly snorted Y/n, his amber eyes widening slightly as he recalled he still hadn't acknowledged the person, making the teen turn his head towards the person. "Sorry about that, I had to get him back for last time." Childishly giggled Y/n, amber eyes slowly opening and closing as they observed the person standing in front of him, narrowing his eyes as she seemed vaguely familiar.

Y/n didn't spend much time around people, but he would admit that the girl in front of him was attractive, with her slender, body that was honed finely due to working out, along with the fact that her tanned skin greatly contrasted to her grey eyes, and grey bobbed cut hair. She wore a simple, orange tank-top, that exposed the majority of her stomach, which was nothing but well refined abs, and a simple pair of grey sweatpants, which clung tightly to her toned legs.

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