Part 3

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Ginny Weasley threw herself down on the large king-size bed and laughed out loud. Oh Merlin, this was a bloody turn in events! She had watched Draco Malfoy's jaw drop and his pale face whiten significantly and then, Sweet Morgana! Macy had introduced him as Harry Black. HARRY FUCKING BLACK! The blond git had taken his bloody name. She couldn't wait to tell Harry. Proper Harry, that is. Or maybe she should go an investigate what was happening with Malfoy first. Or maybe she needed to find the mobile phone Harry had got her as soon as she told him about Macy scouting her. He said she ought to have one in the Muggle world as how else would they expect to contact her. Of course, now, it wouldn't do to be sending their Patronuses across a busy Muggle-Milan and carrying an owl around wasn't exactly inconspicuous. He'd made her memorize his own phone number just in case there was an emergency so she could use the house phone but she really needed to find the bloody thing. She knew it was buried in her bag somewhere and probably needed charging.

She heaved herself up and threw her small bag on the bed just as there was a knock on her door.

She flung open the door and immediately smirked wickedly.

'Please don't say anything,' Malfoy hissed. 'Let's go and get something to eat. This house has too many ears.'

He looked exceptionally anxious and she immediately softened. She exclaimed, 'oh darling,' in a voice that mimicked Macy rather closely and leant forward to give him a half-hug and an air kiss. 'Don't worry,' she whispered, 'your secret is safe with me.'

'Shall we?' he asked quietly.

She followed him in silence from the house. They barely spoke beyond a brief introduction to two other models in the house, Katlin and Saskia. 'Avoid them,' he whispered. 'They like the white powder. If Macy ever catches them, they're out.'

As soon as the front door shut behind them, she rounded on him. She felt remarkably overcome with Molly-ness. 'Are you okay? Where have you been? Merlin, Harry's been looking for you everywhere...' She held his upper arms, inspecting the slender man stood before her. He looked too thin, pale, of course, but some of that was possible shock. He was, she realised, impossibly good-looking. It was no small wonder Harry was obsessed with him.

'Whoa!' he said. 'What do you mean Harry's been looking for me? Your Harry? Potter Harry?'

'Yes, well no, but yes. He needs to explain it all to you. He's been working on your case—'

'No!' interrupted Malfoy, taking her by surprise at his abruptness. 'I don't want to know. Potter doesn't need to know. And I certainly don't want to hear anything about you two. I'll help you with everything so long as you don't tell him.' He stalked across the road, dodging the cars that were bearing down on him, and pushed open the door to a restaurant. She hurried after him.


'There's no buts, this is how it's going to be. I'll help you get to your shows, make sure you're being looked after. I'll help you avoid the bitches and those who'll try to entice coke up your nose, but Potter isn't involved in any of this. Once this week is over, I can disappear again and you can tell him whatever you like then, but just no.'


'No.' He ordered a chicken salad, no dressing, and a mineral water. The expression of horror was clear on his face as she ordered pizza and a large coke.

'What? I still work out intensely. Macy said it was one of the aspects they liked about me.'

They sat in silence for a while. It was horribly awkward, but it wasn't exactly as if they'd ever been on the best of terms and there was that odd bit of bad blood from their past but Ginny was determined to let the past go.

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