Matthew Tate

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Ethan is out of town so I don't have work until he gets back. I dressed in this.

I came down and Prue said "Hey Pais, come to work with me today

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I came down and Prue said "Hey Pais, come to work with me today." I smiled and said "alright, sounds fun." Piper said "how come you keep going to her work?" Prue said "she is learning a lot and actually helping me." Piper nodded and Prue and I left. Once we got there we walked into her office and Rex was fiddling with a necklace. Prue said "Rex?" Rex said "Ah, good morning, Prue. Paisley. I've, uh, left a few things for you to catalogue. A marvelous shipment from an estate back east." Prue said "I'll get right on it."

Rex said "Thanks." then left I sat on her desk as she opened a locket, the door blew shut and a man appeared in very old fashioned clothing. The man said "At last, freedom. The world has changed. What time is this?" Prue said "Excuse me?" he said "Where am I?" I said "Who are you?" he smiled at us and said "Matthew Tate, and if you freed me from that locket you are descendants of Melinda Warren." He walked toward us and she made him fly back causing him to smile and say "Thank you."

Prue said "For what?" Matthew said "I tricked you into using your power on me. Now, I have it." He used her power and pushed a chair making her be pushed against the wall causing me to stand. He disappeared and she grabbed my hand and we went to the center of the room he said "Behind you, witches." I said "How did you do that?" Matthew said "I can share your power but you can't share mine." 

Prue said "What do you want?" Matthew grabbed me and held my hands behind my back saying "I want what Melinda took from me. I want all four powers back. Defend yourself. Stop time." Prue and I said in unison "I can't." He said "then light me on fire" I said "In your dreams asshole!" He shoved me into the wall making my head bounce and I slid to the floor. Matthew said "the family name is now Halliwell" then he broke the window and jumped out, Prue rushed to me but I said "no go warn Piper and Phoebe," She said "I cant leave you" I said "Prue!" she sighed and kissed my head before rushing out the door.

Rex and Hanna came in and saw me lying on the ground. They rushed to me and Rex said "what happened?" I said "some crazy man, he jumped out the window" Rex said "what does he want?" I said "me and my sisters, he said he'd be back for me." Police started showing up and Andy and Morris followed the medics up. They checked me out as Andy said "Hey Pais, how do you feel?" I said "I hurt" Morris said "are you up to answer some questions Paisley?" The medics told me to take it easy and that I have a concussion then they left. I sighed and said "sure" I grabbed Andy's hand and let him gently pull me to my feet.

I sat on Prue's desk and Andy said "what happened?" I said "Some crazy guy came in and started talking about one of our ancestors she died in the Salem witch trials. Started talking none sense and said "he would find which Halliwell he was looking for, then he'd be back for me. He shoved me against the wall rather hard." Andy said "where is Prue?" I said "After he jumped out the window I told her to go warn our sisters. He is after Halliwell's and I don't want them hurt by him." Andy said "She wouldn't just leave you." I said "I told her she had to and that iw Ould be fine until you got here" 

He said "how did you know id be assigned this case?" I said "Andy come on, you Prue and Piper have been friends since before Phoebe and I were born. We have known each other literally my whole life, I knew that even though you two are not dating anymore you still love the four of us. I knew the minute you heard it was Prue's work you'd make yourself assigned to this case." Morris said "I didn't realize you guys knew each other that long" Andy said "yep I grew up in that house basically, I was there everyday. I remember Prue, Piper, and I were playing when their mom brought Paisley and Phoebe home. Out of the three of us I was the first one who got to hold Paisley while Prue held Phoebe."

Morris said "thats really cool" I said "yep built in best friend" Andy said "Come on let's get you home" I nodded as both Andy and Morris grabbed my hands and led me to their car. Andy dropped me off and said "Get Prue" I walked inside as Phoebe went outside. I met up with my sisters and Leo in the sunroom. Prue said "How are you?" I said "I'm ok its just a concussion" Piper pulled me into a hug as Phoebe came back in and said she told Andy If he wanted to speak to Prue he needed a warrant. Prue said "Great, so now I'm being hunted by a warlock and the San Francisco P.D." Phoebe said "Nobody ever said you led a boring life, Prue."

Piper said "Maybe Andy can help." I scoffed and said "Oh, yeah. You want to have that conversation with him? "Hey Andy, I hate to bother you but this seventeenth century warlock is trying to kill me and my sisters." Any thoughts?" Piper said "Okay, it was a bad idea. But the point is we need help." Prue said "Yeah, well, unfortunately more than Andy can give." Phoebe said "What we need is someone who's done this before, someone like Melinda Warren." 

Prue said "Okay, so what are we supposed to do? Reach back in time, grab her and tell her that we need her help?" Phoebe said "Yes. And I know exactly how to do it. As long as you both don't mind losing a little blood." We looked at each other before running up to the attic Phoebe explained and I grinned and said "Sounds fun." Piper said "Am I the only one having the second thoughts?" Phoebe and I said "Yes." in unison. Prue said "We don't really have any others options." Piper said "But aren't we, like, raising the dead? What if she's all..." I said "We read The Book of Shadows very carefully. She will come back as a real live person, flesh and blood. She will have her powers too. Our powers." 

Phoebe handed me the dagger making me grin and take it from her. Piper said "What's that for?" Phoebe said "Well, the spell works by blood calling blood, so it shouldn't hurt... much." I sliced my finger and watched the blood well up on my finger. Phoebe stabbed hers and said "I lied, I lied. Okay, come on guys. It'll be just like the summer by the lake. Remember when we made a blood oath to be friends forever, not just sisters?" Piper said "I remember my finger got infected." Prue said "Ow. Yeah, but the oath worked."

(Prue holds out the knife for Piper.)

Piper said "And I couldn't go in the water for three weeks. Don't hand me that knife." Prue said "How are you gonna cut yourself?" she said "I'm not." Prue handed me the dagger without Piper noticing and Phoebe said "Piper..." Piper said "I can't stand the sight of blood." Prue said "Evil beings have blown up in our attic..." I held her hand as Phoebe said "Disintegrated to dust right before our very eyes..." I stabbed her finger as she focused on Prue who said "And you're afraid of a little drop of blood?" Piper said "Okay, just cut my finger." I said "I did" she looked down at the hand I was holding and said "When did you do that?" I said "When Prue was talking." Prue said "Okay, here."

We squeezed our blood into the locket and dropped it into the post then Phoebe and I said "Melinda Warren, blood of our blood..." All four of us said "Our great, great, great, great, great, great, grandmother." I finished with "We summon thee." Melinda appeared and she smiled at us and said "Oh, blessed be." Phoebe and I took Melinda to Phoebe's room and pulled out a dress. Phoebe handed it to me and I started to unzip it causing Melinda to say "No, don't-don't rip the dress to make it fit me." Phoebe said "Oh, no, no, she's not ripping it. It's called a zipper, see?" 

Phoebe took it from to to zip it up and show her. Melinda said "Oh, a wise witch made this." I said "Yeah, and wise witches in this century keep a low profile. You slip this dress on, you'll blend right in." Melinda put the dress on and I zipped it for her, she said "It's so odd to be here again. To breathe and feel. What sheep has wool so soft?" Phoebe smiled and said "A synthetic one." Melinda said "Oh! So did it, did it take you long to make the dress?" I said "Make it? No, no, she bought it." Melinda said "Oh, you must be rich." 

Prue and Piper walked in as Prue said "No, she's got credit cards." Piper said "Oh, wow, Melinda, you look great." Melinda said "Thank you. Oh, but how do you keep your legs warm?" I said "We drink coffee." Leo came up and said "Oh, sorry, I let myself in and it didn't occur to me." Piper said "Leo, uh, it's okay. This is, uh..." Phoebe said "Our cousin, Melinda." Leo said "Nice to meet you." I said "Leo's fixing our plumbing." Melinda said "What's that?" Prue said "Uh, we've got to go now." Melinda said "To work with one's hands is a great gift." Leo said "Well, I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear." Melinda said "Owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness." Leo and Melinda said "Shakespeare." in unison Prue said "Wasn't that fun? Okay, let's go now." We walked out of the room as Leo walked in.

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