It's Alright

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I wanna wake up and see his face, I wanna wake up and see his little body wrapped around mine and feel his soft breath on my neck. I want his blue eyes and his red kissable lips. I want him to be next to me, but he's not, he will never be here again, at least that's what it feels like.
I don't wanna get out of a empty bed and go an empty kitchen than go again in the studio and see the other boys there, but not him, today he is free. I don't check my phone, because I know that I'll see photos with Eleanor and Lou looking like the perfect Barbie and Ken buying Starbucks together. I hear my phone ringing and a spark of hope flickers in my brain thinking that he is calling me, but it's an unknown number so I answer it.
"Mr Styles?" It's a man's voice, sounds serious.
"Yes, that's me, what happened?"
"I'm calling about Mr Tomlinson, he forgot his phone here and you were his last call"
"Yes, sure, where are you? At the bar?"
"Yes, how did you know?"
"I had a feeling." I say and hang up the phone. If course Eleanor took him to the bar, but I don't really care right now. I put some random clothes on and go to the car. I still don't open my phone, I don't wanna see texts or missed calls.
I arrive to the good old club that he always goes to and when I enter nostalgia hits me about every single place that we kissed in or we danced or we did other stuff.
"Mr Syles?" The voice calls me again and I wake up to the real world.
"Yes, hello, call me Harry."
"Harry, this is the phone, I gotta say, he looked pretty pissed off last night. What happened?"
"Sorry for being rude but it's none of your business, I'm not in the mood for feelings talk, I have to go to the studio. Goodbye." And I leave because I couldn't take it anymore. I drive to the studio crying and when I get there all the boys look concerned.
"Harry, you don't have to do it, we can go today without you, we can cover you up to Simon." Niall says and gives me a hug  i wanna hug him back but I need to look though and seem like I'm not bothered by the situation.
"Thanks lads but I'm good." I say with a bright smile on my face and go to the recording room and look on the first song "Half a Heart"...this will be fun. I wait for the man to say that it's okay for me to start singing "Being without you it's like I'm waking up to only half blue sky kida there but not quite" and i can feel the waterfall of tears coming down my face and I stop, I can't do it.
"Hatold, concentrate, calm down and than start again."
"Yes, sorry." I take a deep breath and start over and I finish it this time and tha I record the rest of the songs for the day "Best Song Ever", "Alive", "Little Black Dess" and "Little White Lies".
It's already dark outside when we finish and still haven't checked my phone or his phone.
"Man, we are going to the bar tonight with Louis, wanna come, maybe patch things up?" Zayn asks me and i shake my head no because I hoped that he would have came home tonight.
"Can you give this back to him?" I say and hand him the phone.
"Yeah sure, we will come over later if you want."
"No, it's alright, go have fun, I'll be home writing some new stuff."
I leave and I think about how I just want a little bit of his heart right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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