1.) Maya

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"It's happening again." She thought to herself, observing the clusters of policemen as they separated and regrouped over and over again, more seemingly arriving by the second. The color of the bright yellow police tape began to sting her eyes, but not even physical pain could draw her out of that trance.

A colossal red oak tree was at the center of it all, and even at a distance Maya could spot the dried blood ominously splattered across its bark, like a twisted Jackson Pollack painting.

"When most people go back to their high school, it's usually for a reunion, not a murder." She thought.

She couldn't help but to reach into her back pocket and pull out a white folded piece of paper and reread the words sloppily scrawled across it in black ink.

"I'm think police regret your if me alive, -Love HIM."

"What does it mean?" Maya whispered quietly under her breath, "I can't be the only person who got one."

If only she could travel back in time to two years prior, when it had all begun. She laughed at how naive they were, thinking that the first murder was an isolated incident. It was only a little over two years ago that she had been sitting beneath the branches of that same tree, with her best friends, or as they used to call themselves, "The Core Four". Closing her eyes, the memories of the day that started it all began to gradually seep back into her mind.

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