Your Precious Clary

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I'm not a mundane. So why do I protect them?  I can't believe every one knows. Right after the whole Salem thing, I've been at  this place ,a mountain with an amazing view of the ocean, it was sunset . I let that little girl die.  What the hell is wrong with me? I think I should go back. But why? I can't believe what I done. My own family might reject me , why wouldn't I they, let a little girl die plus it's not like I'm their blood. I'm a witch . No,  don't think that. I'm a horrible person . Whyy?  I'm going back.


        When I teleported back to my house, Teo,  Cameron, Troye,  and Clary were there. "Where the hell were you? " Cameron says hugging me then Teo came and hugged me.  "What are you guys doing here?" I asked Troye and Clary   "Checking up on your dumbass" Clary said "I don't need you guys checking up on me" I say kinda meanly . "Umm... yes you do, idiot , you exposed yourself and let a little girl die, like are stupid,  you shouldn't even be a witch, lets make a spell to make you human" Clary said with a smartass tone.  "Wow. Excuse me? You think I wanted that little girl to die! You think I wanted to be exposed! No I didn't!  And be glad I'm a witch bitch,  because if I wasn't you would be fucking dead"I yelled at her. "GIRLS! Calm down ! And Kat don't be so mean" Troye said

"Me? Mean? Of couse you'll defened your precious Clarly ."  Troye stayed  quiet. "Leave" I said angery. " No" Troye said .

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