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i walked down the hallway, high fiving all of my friends, and even some people who i didn't even know. my crew trotted alongside me, and it made me feel great. if i was honest, my self esteem wasn't the highest. it never had been, and probably never would be. depression ran in my family, and i was bound to be effected by it. however, i also was the most popular guy in school, which tended to sometimes build my ego a little bit too much. i didn't flaunt it much, and i guess that's why people liked me.

i looked at all of the familiar faces greeting me until i reached my locker. i grabbed my english book and a pen, stepping into mr. johnson's room. i sunk back in the chair, sitting next to zach. we conversed about sunday night football for awhile, until mr. johnson stood up and gained the class' attention. "everyone quiet down please!" most people were pretty scared of johnson, so his classes were pretty calm compared to some of my other classes.

the door creaked open, causing myself and the rest of the class to look up. a small girl walked in confidently, smirking and shaking her hips a little bit with every step. she wore a pair of high waisted shorts, a plain white crop top that showed off her belly button ring, and a red flannel tied around her small waist. she had straight, black hair, and that was really all that i could see of her at that moment. she turned her back to the class, leaning down to hand mr. johnson a few papers, and that's all that i could focus on. in my daze, i managed to drop my pen, and a few people turned to look at me, including the new girl herself. i closed my eyes lightly in my embarrassment. austin, you fucking dumbass.

i looked up into her chocolate colored eyes to see her sending a small smirk in my direction. oh my fucking god. she knew exactly what i was looking at. she walked my way with her adorable little hip shake. jesus christ, she was fucking perfect. she was so beautiful, and so simply sexy.

that was when i noticed that she sat in the desk right in front of me.

i decided that i should say something, which was also probably a dumb idea, but i proceeded to do it anyways. i tapped her shoulder lightly, causing her to whip around to look at me. it was so odd. when she spun her head around to face me, it seemed to be in slow motion, just like the movies.

"late for class on the first day? classy of you." i joked. "staring at my ass on my first day? classy of you." she fired back, a small smile appearing on her lips. "what's your name?" i asked. "i don't know, you'll have to figure it out." and with that, she turned back to face the board. i was left in a daze.

this class was not going to be easy when all i wanted to do was pin this girl down and make out wirth her. i barely even knew her, and somehow she was already driving me nuts. she was hot on the outside, and the fiery personality that i had just witnessed was even more of a turn on for me. i was worried for my own good. believe it or not, i'm a pretty sensitive guy. i mean, yeah, i have hormones, and i'm friendly with everyone, but i have never been known to be much of a heartbreaker.

i was always the one to be heartbroken, which was why i wasn't much for relationships. i have had a total of two in my whole life, and they were both relatively serious. i could never be the type of guy that just took a girl to bed. sex was fun, but it killed me to know that people were hurt over something that i did. i couldn't take advantage of girls like that.

i never had done that before, but i'd seen it with my own eyes. one of my best friends, zach, is one of those guys. he's a good guy if you're just friends, but no one should really expect more from him. he sleeps with girls and makes them feel like they are the most wonderful human being to exist, and then he dumps them. he builds them up to their highest point, and then breaks them down to a point that is lower than they've ever been before. the girls are always heartbroken, and it breaks me a little bit to see it.

i secretly hoped that this girl wasn't like that.

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