Her Little Secret (Intro)

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        Ugh!  The First day of school is tomorrow.  I absolutely hated that place!  Everyone was just so cliqued off,  and if you didn't have a certain amount of money, or looke d a certain way you might as wel net even try to fit in, because you weren't.  The only way I even survived was with the hel of my best friends Toni and Destiny.

        Toni was 5'8, Light skinned with hazel eyes.  She was naturally thick and had breast big enough to drive any boy insane.  She could have easliy been one of the populars, but the fact she was so independented and out spoken landed her with the "LAMES."

        Destiny was a different story.  She was kind of short (about 5'4 or 5'5), dark skinned and had the most beautiful light brown eyes, she has curves like Beyonce that she always seemed to try and hide under baggy shirts.

        Then there was me.  I was dark skinned  with brown eyes.  I was kind of in the middle standing at 5'6.  I had dark curly hair, thick hips, small waist, and an average chest.  I diamond shaped eyes with full lips.  I had a few flaws but hey who didn't.  I loved the skin I was in and would change for anything.

        But anyway, like I was saying It was the the night before the first day back.  I was going to be a junior this year.  I seemed like it was just yesterday I was playing in the sandbox in preschool.  Those were the good ol' days.  

*Buzz, Buzz, Buzz*

I turned around and saw my phone ringing.  I picked it and saw Toni's name.

"What up Toni!"  I said excitedly.

"What up junior!" She yelled back.

"Can you believe it! One step closer to seniors!"  I said.

"Then we can be out this bitch!" Toni yelled making her voice sound deeper.

"Girl you crazy! So how was Hawaii?"

"Girl," she started. "It was intoxicating! The beaches, the water, the boys!  Ooooooooowwwwweeeee my parents had to slip sleeping pills in my drink to bring me back home." She said.

"Lucky you." I laughed.

"So how was your last week of summer?" Tony asked.


"Laci didn't I tell you to take out the trash!?" My mom yelled up with an attitude.

"Toni I have to go my moms tripping, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said a bit annoyed. 

"Ok girl I'll see you tomorrow." She laughed.

"Bye." I hung up the phone and headed to take out the trash.


Hey you guys!  So found this book in my old stuff and read over and really liked it so I'm putting back up.  Tomorrow I'll put the other chapters this week!  I hope you guys enjoy!

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