I walked downstairs and saw my mom standing at the foot of the stairs with her hands behind her back.
"Ok mom," I said with a slight attutude. "Where's this trash that just could't wait."
A slight smirk came across her face. "Oh did I say trash? Silly me, what I meant to say was your get your keys..." She slow took her hands from behind her back and revealed the keys she was hiding. A huge smile spread across my face.
"OHMYGOSH!!! MOMMA THANK YOU!" I yelled as I jumped up around hugged her neck.
"Your welcome sweetie!" She beamed. "Now go look!"
I ran outside and saw a red 2013 bmw M6 with dark tinted windows and a specialized tag that read 4 LACI sitting in the drive way.
"NO FLIPPING WAY!" I yelled as I ran to the car.
"Wait!" my mom yelled before unlocking the doors of car.
"What!" I said slightly annoyed.
"There's one more surprise..." My mom said rubbing her hands together in joy.
"And here I am!" said a deep raspy voice voice from behind me.
"DADDY!" I screamed as I ran into his arms. "I thought you weren't coming home for another week!?" Tears were running down my face. You see my dad was in the millitary so we hardly got to see him.
"What and miss my only daughter getting her first car, I think not!" He said wiping away my tears.
I burried my face into his uniform jacket. This had to be the best night of my life.
"What's with all the yelling out here," My little brother AJ asked with an attitude. "I'm trying to play halo and I can't focus with all this noise!"
"I think halo can wait." my dad said turning to face AJ. "DAD!" AJ said running towards him.
My dad scooped him up and rocked him back and forth as tears came to his eyes.
"I missed you so much." He weeped. My dad chuckled a little. "I missed you too bud." he said with slight crack in his voice. He easied AJ down and playfully rubbed the top of his head.
"Whoa whose car is that!?" AJ asked cleaning the tears off his face. "That would be mine." I said great pride in my voice.
"Oh so she gets all A's and gets a car, but I get all A's and all I get is 20 dollars and a 'Keep up the good work bud!' I always come last to 'Perfect Laci'" AJ said with an eye roll.
I looked him in his eyes. "Don't worry shawty, you only have 4 more years until your 16 and then we can all start showering you with gifts like BMW's, but until then be happy with your 'good job buds' and 20 bucks mmmkay." I said teasingly.
AJ rolled his eyes and walked over to mom and dad. I walked over to my new car and glided my hand over the smooth red paint. "Its mine." I said to myself. "It's really mine."
I climbed into my bed stretched out. What. A. Day. My dad's home, I got a new car, and tomorrow I will officially be a Junior! The only way this could get better is if my crush called me.
*Buzz Buzz Buzz*
"No way!" I said quickly grabbing my phone. "He-he-hello" I stuttered out.
"Well thank you for calling me back Catherine Alacia Goodman!" Toni yelled through the phone.
I rolled my eyes. "Girl ain't nobody forgot about you!" I yelled back. "I just go a little side tracked."
"Side tracked my ass you just day dreaming about Jacob!"
"Oh OK I see how we do now, that's why your ass ain't getting to ride in my brand new BMW tomorrow"
The line fell silent.
"Hello? Toni? Can I get a vowel?" I asked teasingly.
"GIRL GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! NO WAY YOU GOT A CAR, BETTER YET A BMW!" Toni screamed through the phone.
"Well you better believe it cause that's what Im rolling in now!" I said while doing a little dance.
"Ain't no way I'm missing that ride! I'll have my little ass ready at 7:15am!" Toni said sweetly.
"You better be! Me and Destiny will be there!" I said before hanging up the phone. My life is pretty good right now.
Here's part 2 you guys! Tell me what you think! And I would also like to thank RoyalGemini_ for letting me know that someone is out there reading and enjoying my little story!
Lots of love

Her Little Secret
Genç KurguHey guys so this is a book I started a while back and decided to pick back up on so you in joy it!