Chapter 1 Petty Words

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Belle ran through the trees running from a wailing man chasing her for the jewels she had left. She gasped, tripping then falling to the ground as a pair of worn black boots slowly slither towards her.

He pointed a long sword to her neck as she gasped out of fear of her death. "Please sir, I beg you to spare me!" Belle begs.

Killian stops in his tracks for a moment tilting his head and giving a harsh chuckle. "Why would i stop a pretty girl such as yourself?" he taunts.

"You won't kill me?" Belle murmurs.

"No beauty I would never especially since you have jewels." He cackles.

"Well how about I make you a deal?" Belle stood up.

Killian stood there in shock for a moment then; forcefully pinned her to the tree behind her. "Don't you ever speak like that again beauty otherwise you would be off with your head!" he snarled.

Belle shivered as his eyes pierced into her soul she only gave him a nod as, he then grabs her arm pulling her away. "Where are you taking me?!" She yelps.

Killian made no response as he dragged her to the jolly rodger.

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