Chapter 4 Flames Of Memoriams

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The trio of travelers walk slowly around the dark castle as echos of cackling women storm the halls.

They eventually decided to follow the cackling up to a decrepit room with a two headed creature circling a weak boy as he sobs.

Killian frowns and runs in. "Killian no!" belle demands loudly causing the creature to turn towards them. The two heads smirk at them.

The two headed creature giggles at the trio as Belle holds the small ballerina close; as killian pulls them close behind him pointing his sword at the creature. "Stay back." He whispers as the creature makes a hissing noise.

The creature suddenly strikes causing Killian to dodge it's attack and sending belle with the ballerina to the other side of the doorway. "BELLE YOU GRAB THAT KID I'LL FACE THIS THING OFF!" He yelled.

Belle set the ballerina on her shoulder and grabbed the boy, escaping the castle by jumping out onto the patchy ground.

A loud screech caused the building to shake with Killian running towards the others and falling to the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Belle asks.

The whole group nods as they groan in pain.

"We should probably set up camp." The ballerina suggests.

"I agree with the tinker toy." Killian said.

Belle stood in shock staring beyond the others sights. "Miss what is the matter?" the boy asks.

"You all may need to see this." Belle said.

The ballerina and killian look in her direction seeing a large graveyard with many tombstones; each tombstone had names of people who settled or came from StoryBrooke.

"My god, this is a graveyard." killian whispered.

"belle do you know anyone?" the ballerina asks.

Belle walks by a statue of a woman with wing the plaque said "mother of children who she protected." Belle relized who,s grave it was and shivered alittle.

"Oh that must be alice's." Killian whispered.

the boy looks up at killian. "Who was she?"

"She was a brave woman who did anything to protect; she had the courage to even handle hyde all on her own." He answered now standing on one knee and closing his eyes.

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