Chapter 21

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Ty L.O.V

" Come sit down for a minute " I told Tiana

She looked hesitant which made me laugh

" Daddy am I in trouble ? " She asked

" Nah you good, I just wanna ask you something " I said

" Okay what is it ? " She asked

" You know who Tasha is right " I said

She nodded

" She's my mom but I call Draya mom because she took care of me " Tiana told me

I chuckled. Well this gonna be easier than I thought.

" Do you wanna get to know her ? I'm gonna let you spend a few days with her then yah gonna fly to Florida together " I explained " If you don't want to you don't have too " .

" Okay I'll do it daddy but what if she's mean to me " T asked

" Then you call me and imma come all the way back to get you " I said

" Okay "

Lanay P.O.V

Sayeed and I were watching tv well he was, I just was debating on if I should say something or not. This whole Briana situation got me on edge. We've been dating for a while and honestly I think I can say I love him. But if he's messing with Briana again I don't wanna set myself up for that.

" Sayeed " I called out

" Wassup ? " He asked

" I just wanna know if you're still fucking Briana " I blurted out

He looked at me.

" Why you ask me that Lanay ? " He asked

" Because she said it and it's been bothering me for the longest and I just want the clarification that it wasn't during our relationship " I said

He sighed. He didn't say anything for quite a while.

" Lanay, yes her and I did a while ago and yes you and I were together " He admitted

I sat up straight. I wasn't expecting him to say that at all.

" Why ? Am I not good enough ? Was I doing something wrong ? " I asked " I need to leave "

I got up, gathering my things. I don't know how to take this in

" Lanay come here " Sayeed said

I stopped what I was doing. I could feel the tears building up.

" What sayeed ? " My voice cracked

I heard the bed shuffle and then a few seconds later he pulled me in his arms.

" Ma don't stress over it, It was a while ago and it didn't mean anything to me I don't want no one but you " He said

I stayed silent

" How do I know you're not lying ? " I asked

" 2 reasons " He said " 1 Briana and I are done completely, I haven't spoke to her in a minute and I wanna keep it that way and 2, because I love you Lanay "

" I love you too " I told him

I don't know if I said because he said it or if I just wanted to end the conversation but I'm starting to question it now

Ariana P.O.V

" I think imma go now " I said

I stood up trying to look for my clothes. Panties and bra was the only type of clothing on me right now

" Why you in a rush ? " Rico asked

I sighed.

" For one I have things to handle and two, ya fiancé should be back any minute " I asked

He pulled me back on top on him. Rico and I have been messing around for a while now. He told me he's engaged but he doesn't wanna get married to her anymore. I don't even know what she look like or her name but I do know Rico is with me a lot so I really don't know what's going on. He always wanna make things complicated. I feel like I want him but I don't think I'm over Nazar, even if I pretend I am. I'm not but if I don't try to move on then I will never know. Rico was totally not paying attention to me because flipped us over and began kissing my stomach.

" Rico stop " I told him

He plays all day. His kisses went higher then back down and then right above my panties

" Don't play " I told him

" Who said I was playing ? " He asked

I kissed him and it wasn't long before the door busted open. Rico looked up then got up quick. It was his fiancé.

" Really ! You got some bitch in my fucking house ! " She yelled " My kids are here ! "

She was hitting him and he was trying to block her hits.

" Noelle chill the fuck out before I hurt you " Rico said

He was way too calm and she was literally flipping out. Meanwhile I'm already dressed and without warning this bitch attacked me. Almost instantly I began throwing punches too because she clearly don't know. Rico pulled her from off me. I wasn't done though. I tried to get around him

" Rico let this bitch go " I said

I'm beyond pissed off. This is why I told him I was leaving earlier.

" Get the fuck off me " She pushed him back " Fuck you Rico, I hope you're happy with that bitch "

She walked out, leaving him there. I was about to walk out when he pulled me back

" Where you going Ariana ? " He asked

I snatched my arm away

" I'm leaving Rico " I said before walking out.

I'm pissed off. I saw his daughter peeking from behind her room door and I walked right past his son and out the house to my car. What did I get myself into ?


Woah woah woah. Ariana and Rico ? Sheeshhhhh

- Looks like Tiana going with Tasha

-Do you believe Sayeed ? Should Lanay believe him ?

-Noelle ? Rico ? Ariana ?

- Awee Poor kids saw everything

- Is Ariana loosing her mind ?

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- Niya

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