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Amy's POv

"W-what?" I stuttered shocked and scared.

"That is my fucking jacket. I left it at Raini's last night. I was looking for it." Ross gritted his teeth adn put his hand out. I slide the jacket off and gave it to him. 

"I-I'm sorry." I said looking down. Maybe Ross didn't look for me. He was looking for his jacket. Calum walked over shocked and his eyes were popping out of his head. 

"You have black hair!" He shouted. 

"Calm down. I like it." I smiled. Well, to be honest, I don't love it, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

"Mom's going to kill you!" Calum shouted at me. I took a step back, I'm scared of my own brother. "That better wash out." Calum said crossing his arms.

"What will she say about these?" I asked pulling my hair back and showing him my pieced ears. 

"You better run to England." Calum chuckled but still extremely serious. "Who did this to you" Calum asked. 

"Me." I lied. 

"Amy, You did this to you?" Calum asked. 

"Fine." I sighed. "Raini and Laura." I said and the two girls walked over. 

"She wanted to look like us, so she could get some attention from Ross." Laura smirked and laughed. Raini laughed along with her. 

"It was all a prank! Ross doesnt like Amy at all. He told us that he'd doesn't like girls with black hair, and weird piecings and girls who aren't natural." Raini told us. 

"You gave my sister botox?!" Calum yelled. 

"No. But next time we might." Raini said.

"You know, I thought you guys were nice people. I guess I was wrong." I shouted in the girls faces and walked off. I ran off out of the set, freezing cold. 

"Amy! Wait!" I heard a males voice. 

"What!" I yelled and turned around and saw Ross standing there.

"Look, what the girls did was selfish. I'm apolisging on their behalf." Ross said. 

"It doesn't matter any more." I said wiping a tear. "It's just a stupid crush. I'll get over it." I said looking down and then up at Ross. He leaned forward and pecked my lips. 

"Shit. I shouldn'y have done that. You're Calum's little sister. Oh god. I'm so sorry." Ross said and I blushed. 

"It's okay. I should go." I said and walked off. 

"See ya Beautiful." I heard Ross mutter and I continued to walk off.


Please comment your thoughts :)

Sorry, It was so rushed

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