Whispers spread like wildfire as soon as I stepped inside the spacious room filled with high-class women, dressed in the finest fabrics and silks. Gold decorated their hands and necks as each lady spontaneously bragged about their family's fortune. Floor-to-ceiling windows allowed the sun's rays to illuminate the room. Casting shimming glows off the shiny riches that were on display in the room. The Queen sat on her elaborate gold chair, conveniently placed at the far end of the room. Out of all the women in the room, she stood out the most. Dressed head to toe with the most amazing silks royals could wear. She held a sly smirk on her lips as her eyes gazed at the newcomer in the room. An evil shimmer hid deep in her eyes.
"How can she call herself one of us?" Scoffed a girl towards my right. She was trying her best to hide her distaste, but I could read past her facade all too easily. I was unwanted here and it was very clear. I didn't belong in this place any more.
Once upon a time, this is all I had wished for. To be a lady of the court just like my mother before me. Unfortenaluty times had changed, and I was no longer the respected daughter of a high-rank lord. Instead, my family name had been poisoned, just like the late king. Outcasted at the age of fourteen, forgotten by all, except one.
"Lady Janie, you're late." the Queen spoke with distaste, gently picking up a wine glass and taking a small sip.
"I'm sorry your majesty." I bowed politely holding back my hatred towards the woman.
"What on earth are you wearing?" She asked, pointing a wicked finger towards my body. I looked down examining my own clothes. I wore but a simple white button-up top accompanied by riding trousers and boots. I never really took notice of what I wear. I preferred clothes that were comfortable for riding horses, which was something I often did.
"I apologise I went out for a ride before." I hissed through my teeth. She was purposely annoying me. She knew I dressed like this often. It was a game she played with me, waiting for me to strike out in anger. So I could be punished.
"Women do not wear men's clothes, as a lady of court you should dress like one." She bit back.
"Ladies," She called upon each and every woman in the room.
"Strip her and make her somewhat pleasanter to look at." She waved her hand, motioning for them to 'redress' me. The women surrounding me looked hesitant, although one woman that I knew all too well to be the Queen's right hand smirked wickedly as she advanced towards me. Her hand reached out to undo the buttons on my top. Fear overtook me as I used my arms to push the woman away.
"Stop, please" I begged, trying to block their reaching hands. I sunk to the floor trying to hold my shirt on. Hands snaked around me, and voices of high-pitched laughter pierced my ears. I managed to keep them somewhat from taking my shirt. My fingernails dug deep into the fabric of my shirt keeping it covering my chest. Hands continually gripped and pulled at my white shirt. If I wasn't careful, they would soon rip it right off my body. As I was about to lose grip the women suddenly halted as they were interrupted by the large doors being thrown open in haste. I couldn't see who had caused such an exaggerated entry, but by the gasps let out by the women surrounding me, it must have been someone important. I silently thanked the heavens for the interruption. Taking the time given, to quickly re-button my shirt. As I was almost done, a much larger and stronger hand gripped my wrist pulling me up on my feet. My eyes met with warm familiar ones.
The king's highest-ranked soldier. I averted my gaze blushing a deep red feeling very exposed. His eyes travelled towards the woman closest to me, the Queen's right hand.
"Lady Amelia, Seoho would be disappointed in you." He whispered. Her eyes shot down to the floor at the mention of her husband's name. A little ashamed, but I knew that would not stop her from her antics later on. Hwanwoong focused his attention on the Queen. His glare could cutthroats, but he held his composure well. Forcing a smile as he addressed the Queen.

FantasyA place where drama and hierarchy rule the kingdom. Four royal siblings have no mother and father to guide them, ruling the kingdom is a lot more than just being royal. Drama escalates as an old friend returns to the kingdom upsetting the elders and...