Chapt3r 0n3 - Caleb's Pov

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I woke up with the sounds of my father calling, he was standing at my room's door looking so lovingly. He smiled when I got up and started to get ready for school. He close the door and went downstairs to prepare breakfast and lunch for me and my sister, Callie

I bath and get all my stuff ready for school. I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my loving father, together with my sweet naive sister.

"So, hows your sleep son? I know for sure you have a great dream, Hm?" My father spoke as he take a bite on his food. "It was great actually, just you, me and sister in our happiest time" I smile. He smile back and continue eating. We also talk about various things.

After the breakfast, we got in to my father's car, he drove us to school.

My father drop me off at my school and gave me my lunch box. I swear, he is the bestest father I could ask for. He drove away after saying I love you to me. I was smiling all the way to the school main door. Opening it, reveals a lot of students on the hall way.

Some is making out on their locker, some are talking and laughing with their friends. Honestly, I hope I have atleast one friend who never left me on my darkest time. But who am I too wish, I'm happy with my life. Until I saw him, my mood completely change from happy child to hatred.

Jackson Lortson, I thought to myself. I spat an imaginary saliva and just continue my walk. We lock eyes contact and who knows what is going to happen. I honestly don't know why I hate him again... It's feels like I was born to hate him.

When we bump into each other, I was certain that, I, do not know what happened but it did. Both of us were swearing and cursing at each other.


and it went on and on. I'm still confused to why I hate him...

Bell rang and we stopped. Everyone was looking at us and each other, not knowing why we fought alot. Some whisper something that I don't intend to care.

We all walk away and went to our class like nothing happened.

The class was full of excitement. But I really hate science, not the subject, but the teacher. Really borrrriiiinggg-

I sigh and chuckled a Lil. I really hope someone would be my friends, not only for an hour. But forever... Everyone called me "Bestie to everyone" but no one is My best friend. And again, who am I to judge, it's not like my choice to force someone to be friends with me. I'm being ungrateful am I?

Class time was really hard sometimes, alot of people act like they are MY friends but in reality, they aren't. I know, that sounds selfish cuz atleast I still have someone to talk to.

Class ended with the teacher leaving the class way early. It was math btw.

Ah, lunch time... I smile and went to my locker and took my lunchbox. Oh, I forgot to mention that I put my stuff before going to class. Hah, silly me. Time to eat my father's cooking.

I didn't sit in the cafeteria cuz you know, he was there and I do NOT want to eat while seeing him.

I sit near the trees behind the school. It was full of flowers and small trees. I like it and it is peaceful there, no laughter, no screaming, no nothing. Just a peaceful wind and all.

I started opening the lunchbox but damn, the smell of the food hits me and making me feel more hungrier than before. I started eating while listening to the winds blowing the trees and some leaves falling down as in slow motion. Hm... Peaceful.


A/u: Hey! Thank you so much for reading my book, I actually feel great with this actually. Oh and also, to the person who still waiting for the Soft Fur to be updated. I'm really sorry, but I will maybe wouldn't continue that story.

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