Moving in

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Today is the day; we are moving to Connecticut. I'm so excited cause we are moving into the same town the damelio family lives in. We finally got there after driving all the way from Washington. My parents just woke me up cause we got to the house. In my head I think that the house next to ours seems very familiar. I just brushed the thought off because i couldn't be that lucky. We started moving all the boxes of stuff for my bedroom.

When I went to get the last box out of the car I saw someone walk out of the familiar house. It was Charli. I couldn't believe it. My neighbors were actually the damelios. I went inside with the last box set it down and then ran to my parents. "Did you know the Damelio family was gonna be our neighbors" I said my mom then said "yes I did know but I don't want to tell you till we got here because I didn't want you to be stressed about that with the stress from moving and packing"

I then ran up to my room and jumped on to my bed ( the furniture was already moved in) and thought about if it was actually real of if I was dreaming. About an hour later I heard a knock on the door I opened it and it was Charli and Dixie. I couldn't believe my eyes. I quickly asked "what are you doing here" after I sayed it I realized I came of as rude so I sayed "sorry for sounding rude I'm just still in shock that you guys are my neighbors" they giggled a little and Charli said " don't worry we get it and by the way you really pretty" I said thank you and offered them to come inside Dixie said "we actually came to ask if you and your family wanted to come over and have dinner with us later since you just moved in" I almost screamed but I held it back and said "absolutely what time should we come over" Charli answered "like 6:30" I said ok and they walked off

I can't believe I just meet Charli and Dixie. I ran to my parents and told them that we were going to the neighbors for dinner. And then I went and got ready.

I hope you liked the story I worked really hard on it leave ideas for the story and I might not upload consistently but I will when I can
Sorry if there is mistakes I tried my best

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