Chapter 22

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Together with Simon I go towards the back garden. I really am glad to leave the room, I needed him and even more so if I am accompanied by Simon, his attitude and joy are so contagious, I feel so lucky to have him.

- What do you think if we go to the greenhouse? - He asks me, holding my hands.

- Sure- I smile again and I let go of his grip, the last time we were like this we ended up kissing, although I know that this was only a delicate gesture and without other intentions, I think it is better not to risk too much.

We move to the greenhouse where I can again smell the sweet aroma of the flowers or plants that are inside, it is a fresh and peaceful smell. The greenhouse and the park are practically sacred places for me. Despite the fact that I have not had the best experiences of my life in them, I feel that when I am in them I can truly be myself, I can forget all my problems and worries.

- Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you.

-I don't understand. Why do you want me to close my eyes?- She looked at him strangely but laughed at the same time.

-That doesn't matter. Do you trust me?- He looks me straight in the eye, his gaze is clear and honest so I don't put up any more resistance to his request. I cover my eyes with my hands as I giggle like a child when her parents tell her they have a new toy or a big surprise.

I feel as if they were small strange noises probably coming from the shelves where the flowers were and if I'm not mistaken in this case it would be the roses.

- Now you can open your eyes- I remove the hands that covered my eyes and I am amazed with what Simon has in his hands, it looked like a flower although very rare I do not seem to have seen it before, it had a delicious aroma similar to the herb after it It finishes raining or I eat some sweet treat that I sometimes had in the kitchen when Virginia was distracted- It's a lily- I look back at Simon but immediately change it to the flower, I still don't understand what captivates me so much about her. Will it be its colorful petals? Her scent ? It seems so peculiar to me- This flower reminds me of you- I look at Simon again and
He smiled- Besides how precious it is, it seems completely unique and rare at the same time.

- Do you think I'm weird? - I ask amused.

- Not at all- we laughed in unison- I think you are unique and incomparable, like this flower, I wanted to give it to you for your birthday- changes her face.

- It's good to know that you remembered, what I don't understand is because you say you wanted to give it to me. What happened that you can't now? - He carefully puts the flower on a shelf and looks at me sadly.

- Violeta, me and my grandmother ...- she stammered but did not finish saying anything in particular.

- Finish saying the phrase What's wrong with you and Virginia? - I demand raising my voice a little.

- We're leaving the country- she spits out those four words as if her life depended on it, her face begins to turn fearful and pale, I can even notice how her hands are shaking.

- I don't understand you. Why are they leaving just like that? I thought you were comfortable in this house, I thought you were happy here.

- My happiness is not important, Violeta- she takes my hands and I do not resist her gesture- My mother is ill and now she has gotten worse. My grandmother made a deal with her that she would take care of me while our financial situation improves, but now that that problem is resolved and that my mother has worsened her health, we have nothing else to do but be by her side until she recovers Or the worst happens. Anyway we have nothing to lose, you have Damien and I am completely sure that when my grandmother leaves he will find another person equal to or better than her, as for me, you never loved me like I do with you, it would be stupid to continue behind you when I have my mother who needs me even more- I can't decipher her look, every time she said a word I could realize the way she countered with how she was looking at me, nothing agrees and that is making me desperate.

- I understand you perfectly, I know that it is difficult for you to choose between your life in this house and the life that you can spend next to your mother who needs you so much but I do not think that is an excuse for you to tell me that you and your grandmother are not They are important to me and you know it. I also understand that after that kiss you no longer want ...

- What kiss? - Damien interrupts our conversation, entering the greenhouse too furious to take Simón by his shirt and lift him up to hit him - What kiss are they talking about? Did you have the courage to kiss Violeta after all that Did I warn? - he asks Simon with contempt, all his words seem to lack concordance, he knows how Simon feels about me and he always kept it hidden. Why?

I try to interfere in their fight but it was impossible for me. Damien above all has much more strength than me, adding to him the fact of his annoyance.

-Please Damien let's talk but first let go of Simón- I yell at him trying to calm his fury.

- He will never listen to you, he is blinded by that desire for power and greatness that he has. How does it feel to not have everything you want? This is how I have felt a million times and I have always had to shut up because you were always interfering for her, you have no future by her side, look at her, she is hardly a girl, what you are doing should disgust you- she yells trying to slip out of his grip.

- Disgust, you tell me? You were the one who kissed his own sister.

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