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Ace have been driving silently for 10 minutes. God knows whats going on in his mind. It's quite a task to find out. His silence was uncanny, i wonder where we are going. Not that i mind just a simple long drive with Ace.

I looked at the passing buildings. I still don't have a idea where are we going.
A mixture of excitement and nervousness pooling in my stomach.

"Where are we going?"

His face lit up at the question. "You'll see."

"Why so much mystery?" I laughed. "What do you have in mind." I wiggled my eyebrows playfully at him.

"A lot." he quipped. I'd rather show you than tell you."

His phone started ringing. Perfect timing. I pushed back the dirty thoughts that swiftly entered my mind.

I shifted a little in my seat to look at him.

God this is so unfair. How could someone be this beautiful.

He's so handsome, his perfect jaw, his killer eyes that were now on road,his full and pink lips. His face belonged to dark archangel.

He turn towards me and my eyes stared right into grey of his. He smirked. I turned to window before he could say something. I hate how he make me feel conflicted all the time. I noticed that it was so dark outside and roads free of traffic.

Its so quite here and we are alone. It looked like a scene of horror movie where the girl is going to get killed. All the dangerous things selena said to me about him were running through my mind. I know he won't kill me. Why isn't he telling me where we going.

He said that I owe him one. Does that nean he'll kill me? Or sell me? No he won't. Who kills someone for ruining their shirt?My heart was hammering in my chest.

Oh Jesus! help me..

He isn't even saying anything . Maybe I should say something.

"where are we going?" I asked a little nervously.

He noticed and smirked.

"why? Are you scared baby girl?" his voice had hint of mischievousness in it.

"No why would I be scared. I was just wondering where are we going." he didn't said anything just kept smirking so I continued. "uh.... I mean.. it's so dark and quite here. No one's here. I know you won't kill me or anything. Umm....who kills some one for spilling drink on their shirt right?" i was Stumbling over my words.

Oh shit. I didn't say all these stupid things. He smirked looking direcrly into my eyes. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"I would." oh no I'm too young to die."But you're an exception." he added.

He looked at my shocked face and laughed. Oh my dear god Ace is laughing like a real manly laugh. Ok step out of it this is so embarrassing. His laughter died down when I didn't respond.

I sighed. Atleast I'm not dying. I was relieved. But I didn't spoke after that. I'm sure by now my cheeks would be in a deep shade of red. I would be looking like a tomato so I faced the other way looking out the window.

"Don't worry we'll be there in five minutes. I hope you like it." I didn't want to embarrass myself any more so I just nodded still looking at the passing trees.

After some minutes he slowed down the car and take a turn to left and shut the engine. I looked around but couldn't figure out where we were.
Idiot. How would you know. Its first time you're here.

Ace glanced at me then got out and walked around the car to open door for me. My eyes sparkled in surprise taking in the scene in front of me. I smiled. He took me to a central park New york. How cute, Honestly I was expecting some expensive and fancy resturant but this is so good, much betyer than a fancy resturant."A central park?" I turned to him in excitement. "So?"

"I've never been to central park before." I marveled."This is just... wow."

"Let's go". He offered me his hand. My eyes move to his face then back to his hand. He was waiting patiently. I placed my hand into his and instantly felt warm. This was a unexpected side of him.

"Ready?" he intertwined our fingers and begin to move.

"Yeah let's go" I spoke excited to explore.

"We'll go to ice skating first and then if you want to do something else we'll go there. Okay with you?"

"Perfect" We make our way to the 'Wollman Rink'. Every one was enjoying the ice skating there.

Shit. I realised something. I don't know how to skate. Should I say it or just keep my mouth shut to save myself from further embarrassment.
Ugghhh luca I asked you many times to teach me ice skating but you didn't. If you would have I wouldn't be here thinking whether I should go in or not. All your fault.

"come on" he said tugging at my hand. Ok you can do it. Tell him. You have already embarrassed yourself very much, a little more would not hurt.

"uhh... Ace I dont know how to skate."

"I know." My eyes instantly lift up to his face, how would he know? Must be kidding.

"That's why we're here I'll teach you ice skating. Its not hard to learn." Oh no I'm dead.


He was buying the tickets while my eyes were roaming around. There weren't many people Thank God. The person that probably worked there give us skating essentials. I wore knee pads and other things while he did the same.

He got up and again offered me his hand. These small things that he don't even notice are melting my heart away.

We entered and my grip on his hand tightened.

"What if I fall down?"

"I'm never gonna let you fall. I'm always here." Here we go again. I was awestruck at his words. I nodded.

Now he was showing me how to skate and he was doing some stunt.

"Ace i don't know how to do simple skating and you're doing these dangerous stunts.How would I do this?"

"No one knows you here. It's just me don't worry. Now give it a try. Don't be such a bore."he laughed dare sparkling in his eyes.

"Don't call me that." I said and hold his hand and start skating. I gasped as he twirled me around. I was having so much fun. I felt so carefree and elated at that moment. Ever since my dad passed I've never had this much fun. I became cautious.

But now I felt different. A good different.  I feel like with him I can be myself. I don't know him for long time but I feel comfortable with him.

"This is fun." I threw back my head my eyes sparkling in amusement, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"see? I told you." he cracked a boyish grin."that's the reason I brought you here"

The night was blur,a wonderful one that made crave me more,yet left me fullfilled.
It felt too good to be true.

"I had a great time Ace." I said as yawn escaped my lips, as we were walking to car. I was so tired and sleepy. He chuckled and open the door for me, help me sit in car and fastened my seatbelt.

"Me too, Rosa." his warm lips brush against my forhead lightly. I let out a small sigh before my eyes shut and I fell asleep.

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