Not the perfect "Daughter" after all

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Plot question: who's gonna be the first to come out in Aizawas class?

If you read my stories please follow.

Currently it's the middle of Winter break. Not too many of the students actually went home most stayed in the dorms. Aizawa stayed in the dorms with his problem children because Nezu had asked him since most of the students that were staying there over the holiday were from his class anyways.

Aizawa was in the common area, most of the students were already asleep. Aizawa was just watching a movie before hearing the door open sobs following the sound of the closing door.

Aizawa gets up off the couch and quickly walks over to his number one problem child "you okay problem child?" Aizawa asked the sobbing kid before Izuku just hugged his teacher and sobbed into his chest

"let's sit on the couch so we can talk" Aizawa suggested as he guided Deku to the couch before sitting them both down.

After a while of sitting there and letting Izuku cry into his shouldersat next to him. "Can you please explain what happened and why your crying?" Aizawa asked Izuku as he cleared the rest of his tears up.
Deku then began explaining what had happened not that long ago.

--Flash back/story explanation--

Finally today was the day the students were able to go home for winter break. Deku quickly gathered his stuff to go home for a while. Before running to the train stop and catching a train to his house.

What he didn't know is that his dad was home for the winter to surprise the kid. The boy walks in to see a man  and mom talking "DAD!!" He yells as he drops his stuff and runs to his dad.

"IZUKA!! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU-" his dad says being cut off by his own thoughts. Looking as his "daughter" looks like a boy and he didn't like that too much at all.

"Izuka why the hell are you dressed like that!?" His dad yelled as he pushed Izuku away from him "Because I'm trans dad-" izuku answers as he quickly backs away in somewhat shock

from his dad "Izuka, I told you thisis just a stupid phase!!" Inko yelled at Izuku with anger in her voice one of the first time Izuku had heard her sound so mean..

The way they were acting was scaring Izuku and made him upset as his parents had always thought of him as a girl even if he told them otherwise. They ended up giving him a long lecture about how he was a "girl".

"GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW WE'LL TALK ABOUT THIS OVER DINNER!!" His "Dad"  yelled pointing up the stairs Izuku quickly ran upstairs Into his room and locked the door and running to him bed he cried on his bed looking around his room to see it was covered in pink and white but no green like he did have it. All he's all might figures and posters were gone off the walls replaced by bands his parents thought girls would scream over.

"WHY!!" Deku yelled as kept crying. He really loved all might but at least he had a hoodie that Todorokie gave him it was half white and half red.

Izuku got off his bed to grab the hoodie out of his bag before taking his binder off and slipping the large hoodie on. He soon curled up on his bed and fell asleep.

When he had woke he was getting dragged out of the front door by his father who was yelling at him along with his mother "NOW GET OUR MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK YOU TRA###Y PIECE OF SHIT" his dad yelled as he slammed the door.

Deku was still processing what just happened as he got up slowly and grabbed his stuff as he began to cry a lot before walking his way to UA with no shoes on as he had to walk in the snow.

End of flashback/telling Aizawa the story.

"Okay.. now calm down it'll be okay, and let's get you to your dorm" Aizawa said as he quickly stands up with Deku. The two walked to Deku's dorm. As soon as Deku laid down on his bed he fell asleep.

Aizawa left the dorm after he talked to Deku before Deku went to sleep. They talked about how Aizawa was going to make a zoom so Izuku could come out to his class as transgender.

The next day it was about 2:00 pm. Aizawa along with Deku was waiting on the zoom call for other students to join or come downstairs from their dorms.

"Everyone here?" Aizawa asked as he scanned over the room and computer "other than Mineta yeah" Jiro answered as Mineta was at home but they didn't know why he didn't join.

"So what's going on !!" Mina asked as she smiles at the camera at the rest of the class, some of the class smiling as well.

"Deku has something to tell you guys" Aizawa explained as he signed a bit at the excitement of some of the class members.

"Okay I'm going to set you guys on the computer on the counter right here so you guys can also see when he comes downstairs," Aizawa quickly explained to the class as he placed the computer down onto a table and got everyone into a spot where they could see Deku when he comes down the stairs.

They soon hear running down the stairs before seeing Deku jump off the stairs with a trans flag slightly tied around his neck Loosely like a cape

"I'M TRANS" He yelled jumping off part of the stairs. Everyone was shocked but started cheering and clapping for their classmate.

"THAT'S A VERY MANLY COME OUT BRO" Kirishima yelled loudly from his computer. "EIJEA YOU'RE TO LOUD!!!" Kirishima's mom yelled "sorry guys have to go," Kirishima then quickly logged off the zoom call.

"Guys if anyone needs help coming out to the class just talk to me and I'll help" Aizawa reassured them with a small smile and the class nodded.

Plot question two: Who's gonna be the next to come out to the class?

Just read the next chapter to find out ;}

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