Hair dye and binded chests

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Okay so if anyone had questions, about the transgender AU's in this, none of it is my original idea, it comes from  other authors/writers that make amazing MHA transgender AUS and ships so most of these are bases on other stories. I don't have their accounts to give them proper credit but there's some really amazing stories like this.(Kirishima keeps his given name cause he just wants too)

Kirishima quickly hung up on the call and logged off his computer a bit early. After Deku came out as trans he wanted to stay on call a bit longer but his mom had yelled his name loudly from the kitchen to tell him to shut up.

"SORRY MOM" Kiri yelled across the house as he closed his computer and got up from his chair. Too take his binder off so he could go downstairs

"YOU BETTER NOT HAVE THAT STUPID BINDER ON!!" His mom yelled as she stormed loudly around the house.

Kiri quickly took off his binder and slipped his hoodie on, that was given to him by Bakugo which he had already been wearing in the first place.

Kirishima knew he had chores to do, so he quickly walked downstairs to do get then done. He hoped his mom wasn't too mad because he hadn't done them just yet.

"Hey mom I'm going to get my chores done now." He called out with a fake smile before he started to walk to the living room, starting to pick up the trash and ect that was scattered on the floor.

"DON'T TALK TO ME BRAT!!" she yelled from dinning room she than quickly stormed out. O the living room Kirishima was picking up in.

There was beer bottles everywhere from the other night as his mom had brought her friends over and got drunk together. The group had already left of course but there was still beer bottles everywhere in the living room, some shattered on the ground.

After he cleaned the living room up, he made his way to clean the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't that bad but did still very badly smell like alcohol.

"EIJROU!" Kirishima heard his mom yell as she stormed into the kitchen. She seemed to be very pissed for some unknown reason. Ejirou knew to stay a certain distance from her when she was this way.

"Have you been talking your dad?? Did you tell him something!!" His mom yelled in his face as she stepped close to him spitting in his face as she did so.

"No no, I didn't why" Kirishima said as his voice slightly started shaking trying to step back from his "mom". Who was only inchs from his face.

"Well,he called me and said he was planning to stay here for a while!!" She screamed at the scared boy once again making him tense up even more trying to not freak out or at least show any fear to make it worse.

"Just clean the fuckin house up! He'll be here soon, ima be going somewhere you useless brat!" She yelled before she grabbed an empty beer bottle from beside her and out of no where smashed the bottle over ejirous head with it as he fell to the ground and she quickly ran out the house.

"No no no, fuck fuck" Ejirou tried to get himself stable as blood flowed down his face from his head the blood blending into his hair. He tried to find his way to the bathroom. Everything spinning around him. He ended up fainting in the hallway.


A few hours later his dad got to the house. He knocked on the front door but didn't get an answer so he used the had key he had and entered the oddly quite house.

"Anyone here? Sorry I'm late-" He yelled out loudly walking around to see if anyone was home before he got cut off by the sight of Ejirou laying on the floor face in the hall way.

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