Chapter 13

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"Drake, wakey wakeeeey."
"Mmm, go away..."
"But I need you to go somewhere with meeee." I say this while straddling him on the couch, trying to wake him up. He rolls over and I fall off his waist and plop onto the floor. I'm so excited, I barely notice and get back up excitedly. I've got a plan.

Drake POV
I hear something in the distance. it sort of sounds like a phone going off, a loud 'TING'. Opening my eyes I find a distressed looking Rinn looming over me, playing a goddamn triangle.
"What in the hell are you actually doing right now?"
"Well, you wouldn't get up!"
"Why exactly do I need to be up again?"
"Well, I haven't told you yet silly goose! Plus, I let you sleep in until noon. I've been up for hours! I made pancakes, and fed the cat, and took a shower, and...!" Rinn trails off.
"Why are you so hyper? Wait, how many bowls of cereal have you had?"
"Oh, quit being such a mother hen... okay fine, I've ONLY had two bowls of captain crunch. And maybe some cups of coffee."
"Okay, well, is there any particular reason you've been trying to wake me up?"
"Yes! There is! Umm... hmm. I can't seem to OH YEAH! I wanted to ask you if you'd go with me to maybe get a couple or maybe a lot of needles shoved into my skin that just so happen to leave some sick art?" She practically yells the last part and I just giggle at her.
"That sounds prettay boringggg."
"Please, please, please, please, PLEASE! I'll love you forever..."
"Rinn, I have a hard time believing you don't already love me forever."
"Hey! Go take a shower! You're not you when you're... hygenated."
"Rinn I'm not entirely certain 'hygenated' is an actual word..."
"Whatever, it is now!" we continue the playful banter, "No, but seriously dude, off to da shower." she says while holding her nostrils and waving a hand.
"Oh I will, but I'll have you know that you look like a Sims character right about now."
"Ooshna Kuwhip!"

Rinn POV
"Ahh Drake! It fucking hurts! Why didn't anybody warn me! Camden said this would feel nice after a while! News flash! It fucking doesn't!"
"It's not my fault you decided to go full retard and get a full sleeve as your first tattoo."
"And we're done. Let me just wrap this up and I'll meet you at the register."
"Oh sweet! Thank you so much! Wait, but first, can I go look at it?"
"Sure hon!"
I step up from the chair, thanking The Lord I'm not going to be having a tattoo machine penetrating my skin for a while, at least. Once I come up to the mirror my eyes start watering. It's so much better than I ever would've hoped it could be.
The tattoo is something I had been thinking on for quite a while now. Dark woods surround a full length red cape, with nobody inside. In the background, a black wolf looms, peering at the cape frighteningly.
When I'm done admiring the masterpiece, I let the woman wrap it up and then pay. The pain really was worth it and I'm really happy.
Drake interrupts my train of though when he asks if I want some ice cream, which of course I say yes to! We spend the rest of the night just hanging out and enjoying life, because for some reason I got to thinking during the grueling hours as to why I'm not entirely happy. I didn't come up with an answer.
I shared my sentiment with Drake, to which he just started singing, "Why can't you just be happy."

So I'm not sure if that made any sense of not, but I just started writing. Writing is FUN!
Also, I'm not sure if you can tell, but I JUST LOVE CEREAL.
Okay, okay, goodnight. good morning. good day.
^ahaha okay I swear I'm done, but does anybody know why goodnight is one word, but good morning it two? Like, did somebody just get tired one night and while writing goodnight (for some reason) be too lazy to put a space? I dunno.

Thanks for reading! :D

I JUST REALIZED THAT THAT SONG IS NOT BY HIM! I KNEW HE SANG IT THO. ACTUAL SONG HE SANG TO THE SIDE WITH THOSE LYRICS. Okay this isn't THAT  big of a deal, but whatever. Also, they only say the words that I said he sang like once... you probably don't even care...

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