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I'm walking to my first hour only to have someone say "Hey there's the homo." And I say "Fuck off Niall!" And he scoffs and walks away with Louis and Liam following behind him and I see Louis mouth "I'm sorry." Before following Niall and Liam down the hall. So I walk into my first hour and sit next to my friend Justin who says "Niall picking on you again?" And I say "Yeah at least I didn't get beaten up again." And Justin says "True man he can be a real prick sometimes." Then the bell rings and we walk into chemistry only to get stopped by Niall and Liam.
So I say "Why don't you leave us alone be nice and leave us alone." And Niall says "I'm never nice prick." And I say "Go fuck yourself Horan!" And I see Niall swing and then I'm on the ground with a black eye as Niall and Liam start kicking me until Liam kicks me hard enough in my head to make me slowly black out.
I watch horrified as Niall and Liam kick the shit out of Harry and then I see Liam kick Harry in the head hard enough to cause a concussion so I quickly pull Liam off of Harry and say "Liam stop please your going to kill him if you keep this up!" And he says "Fine Niall lets go." And Niall says "Fine." And he gives Harry one last kick then stalks off so I run up to Harry and kneel next to him and I see he has a black eye, a split lip, and a giant gash on the side of his head right above his left temple. So I look around for Justin and spot him asleep in one of the chairs across the room.
So I stand and walk over to him and shake him awake and he says "What happened where's Harry?" And I say "Well while you were asleep Harry was getting his ass kicked by Niall and Liam and Liam apparently kicked Harry in the head extremely hard knocking him out so I stopped them." And he says "Where is he?" And I say "Over there." Pointing to where Harry lay. And Justin stands and walks over to him with me following then says "Oh god Lou help me carry him to the nurse." And I nod and pick him up bridal style and follow Justin to the nurse where we walk in and I lay Harry down on the bed.
Then stepping back as the nurse walks in and checks Harry for any serious injuries then she says "Justin I'm afraid Harry has a minor concussion but will wake up in three days time." And Justin says "So should we bring him home then?" And the nurse says "I think that'd be best I'll just excuse you for the rest of the day then you can go." And we say "Thanks nurse Cowell." And she says "No problem boys." And I pick Harry up carefully then follow the blonde boy out only to run into Liam so I say "Hey Liam you do know you gave Harry a minor concussion right?" And he says "Seriously?" And I say "Yeah and he'll be out of it for three days." And he says "Wow and anyway Justin I'm sorry it's just that Niall get really scary when he's mad and I only do what he says to stay on his good side I never even like beating up people. In fact I was wondering if we could be friends?" And Justin says "Sure and I forgive you but you'll have to make it up to both me and Harry ok Li?" And Liam says "Alright."

Through The Dark Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now