🐾Angry Wolf, Poor Apology.🐾

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"Tyren wait!" Yelled Kanato.

I pause my foot steps and look back at Kanato-kun.

"Yes Kanato." I reply.

Kanato walks over to me and grabs my arm.

"You smell like the Mukami's are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes I'm fine they actually cleaned me up from the filth I accumulated from the forest." I explain.

"Okay if they hurt you let us know." Kanato said.

"They didn't but if they had you'd know." I say, then continue heading to me and Shu's room.

Once we were at our room, Shu opens the door, and pushes me onto our bed. He then climbs on top of me, and storms me with kisses. In which I giggle at his childish actions.

"Shu woah slow down hehehe." I laugh.

"Never leave me like that again." Shu said sternly.

"Okay." I yawn.

"Some puppy tired." Shu teases.

"Oh shut up. I was running through the woods all night." I sass in response.

"You need to rest that ankle Puppy-kun." Kanato says after teleporting in.

"No I need Rest period." I rebut.

With that said Shu lifts up my pant leg and looks at my ankle; which was in fact swollen. He then began massaging my ankle; which had me gritting my teeth and wincing in pain. However I made no sound of displeasure or discomfort, towards the action but rather a blush dusted across my face. Shu didn't display any signs of stopping his caring and kind actions; so I lay back and closed my eyes to drift off to sleep.
The next thing I know Kanato had my head on his lap as he combed his fingers through my hair. I release a sigh, and enjoy getting pampered. But just as I was drifting off to sleep I hear Reiji; which was followed by an annoyed growl from me. So I open my eyes and glare at Reiji through the door.

"Tyren I'm sorry." Reiji apologizes through the door not sounding the least bit sorry.

"Augh. You're not even remotely sorry butler-wanna-be." I growl in annoyance.

I heard a frustrated growl from Reiji as he turned and left, to do other things. This earned a pleased chuckle from me.

"He's not even trying to get me to forgive him. Seriously how large of a stick did he stick up his ass." I say, thus making Kanato, and Shu laugh.

"Probably a ten foot long one." Laito said through the door; which had us all laughing.

"Probably." I agree.

I yawn, closing my eyes, and allow myself to drift off to sleep. When I woke back up the moon had already risen, and I was in the dinning room in Shu's lap. I yawn, and look around the room.

"Good evening." I say.

"Morning Ren." Said Yui with her fake cheery smile.

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