Chapter 7

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I made up my mind i am going to join the creepypasta not because of Slenderman, no even if he is an ancient demon I'm still powerful than him, I decided to join because of sally, i cannot bear to leave her she's important to me i see her as my little sister ' alright I'll just have to tell Slenderman I'm going to join him' "no need to Ms. (Y/N) I already know" I turned around startled to see Slenderman already in the room "I didn't even noticed you when did you get here?" "That doesn't matter what matters is that you decide to join forces with me, you have no idea how delighted I am knowing a powerful being like you is on our side" i snorted "don't flatter me Slenderman i only wish to join because of personal reasons not because of you" i snarled at him he just simply ignored it and chuckled deeply "well it settles then welcome to the family Ms. (Y/N) I hope the others won't give you a hard time here" Slenderman said while bowing slightly "likewise Slenderman" i said annoyed "Excuse me for my language but when the fuck do i get out of this tank you can't expect me to stay here in your office" I said to him while crossing my arms and my eyebrows furrowed Slenderman just lightly chuckled " don't worry Ms. (Y/N) I have prepared a room for you so you don't have to stay with me in my office not that I don't mind" i just looked at him with my nose scrunched 'is this man flirting with me?' seemingly forgetting that he can read minds I quickly changed my thoughts but to my relief Slenderman ignored that thought and instead unlocking the tank and helping me out of the tank, my mermaid tail splitted and transform into to pairs of legs "come Ms. (Y/N) I shall escort you to your room personally" I followed him in the long halls of this manor looking beside me to portraits of people i assume residents in this household we finally reached the room " here we are Ms.(Y/N) I hope the room is to your liking, I would love to stay and chat but i have other businesses to attend to" before i can ask if he would introduce me to the others he already teleported somewhere, I sighed annoyed 'well I'm sure I well get to meet everyone along the way' I thought, I bent down and opened the door i looked inside i tried to enter the room but it was really hard considering i was really tall "well this certainly won't do" i said to myself mumbling i backed out of the door and transformed into my human form water surrounded me swirling around my body and transformed me into my human form, I enter the room once more and closed the door i looked around the room it was average there was a bed, a closet some basic furniture for a bedroom I walked towards the window seat and sat down looking outside the window it was already nighttime by then, I looked up at the stars on the night sky wondering about Olympus ' I hope the gods and goddesses respect my wish on staying here for a while' I sighed and got up and went to the bed as soon as I layed down dust engulfed my body and i coughed rapidly and stood up looking at the bed, I didn't noticed it was covered in dust my series of coughed stopped and i stared at the bed thinking ' I thought Slenderman said he prepared this room why hasn't this been cleaned properly' I was annoyed, I grabbed the pillows and the blanket, opened the window and started flicking the blanket and the pillows to remove the remaining dust, i put the blanket and the pillows on the window seat and closed the window i then started to sweep the mattress with my hands to remove the remaining dust as well, when I felt like the dust was gone i put the pillows back and the blanket, finally i layed down in bed staring at the ceiling, it looked like who ever cleaned here was in a rush because there were remaining cobwebs and the bed still had dust in them, my theory? The person who was tasked to clean here probably was forced to clean this room as punishment 'judging by the fact that this room was not cleaned properly' I closed my eyes and immediately went to sleep.

An: so you might be wondering why I'm updating this book well first of all sorry for the short chapter second of all this chapter has been in my drafts for a long time and everytime i check this book it annoys me because this was the only thing i didn't publish so i thought hey maybe I should continue this chapter and just post it, obviously I had to edit a lot of things in this chapter considering this was like a really long time ago and uh i hope i didn't make Slenderman a bit to OOC since it's been a long time that I've been in this fandom, while i was writing and editing this chapter i also edited a chapter i already published but It was just a minor editing and I don't know if I can continue this story cause the plot is really messy, and I don't really wanna rewrite it cause it's super tiring and another reason why i published this chapter is to change (Y/N)'s personality i read some of the comments and some were somewhat annoyed at (Y/N)'s personality, trust me I'm annoyed too, but considering the fact i wrote this many years ago i completely understand why some of you are annoyed thats why i published this to change (Y/N)'s personality, now this leads to the question am I going to continue this book to be honest i don't know but we'll see in the future, considering the fact that i am still active i still check this book every now and then and i still read all of your comments it's still amazes me that people still read this so thank you all and hopefully maybe somewhere in the future I'll find motivation to keep on publishing new chapters.

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