4/ Reunion?

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A week passed. Nothing too different than before. Aaron and I were headed to the movies to watch American Sniper with Mahogany and Taylor. Ugh don't get me started on Taylor. When I found out Aaron invited him, my mind went racing. Or was it butterfly's. Taylor and I spoke once before but it was a few words exchanged. Did I have feelings? Maybe I'd find out tonight.

Click! My buckle went into place and Mahogany drove all of us to the theater around the corner. This particular theater reminded me of Shawn. I don't know why but it just did. Then I remembered what most people wouldn't. A distinct memory engraved into my skull far back in my head.

*flashback to 5th grade*
"Shawn, come on. We could be caught!" My feet tapped the ground nervously as I waited for him.
"Calm down, I've done this before," I doubt 11 year old Shawn Mendes has snuck into a theater and has stolen bags of popcorn before.
"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" A security guard caught my eye as Shawns hand grabbed mine.
*end of flashback*

"Hey. Hey Annie, you good?" Aaron made his way out of the car.
"Yea, just a flashback," I replied as we walked into the front doors of the complex.

As we entered, we saw more boys. Shawn included. His gorgeous face molded a half smile that completely wiped out the second he noticed I was with them. Cold. But what was colder was his welcome

"Hey Mahogany, Aaron, Taylor," Not even my name. What game was Shawn playing? Whatever it was, I was sick.

"Hey Shawn, remember me? I'm the new girl. Annie. Oh wait. You already know me. Yea that's right, since 3rd grade but you act like you have no idea who I am. What is this? Are you trying to forget what we were? Best friends since forever? No way Shawn, no way," I blurted Screaming. I had bottled up everything I could till this moment and then my mouth just decided to become a bomb that exploded right in front of the whole magcon group.

"I-," The saddened boy started speaking
But I broke his sentence, "Save it, you don't have anything to say."

I couldn't believe I just did that. But I better believe it. Great Annie, now they must all hate you for attacking Shawn like that. Screw myself for thinking the move was a "resourceful decision"

Shivers ran through my spine as I felt a hand on my shoulder. But his touch was soft and warm unlike how I felt. Unforced, I turned to see Taylor. Now this boy's face was sincere and puppy dog like, but I bet he was a monster in bed. That's more like it Annie. I gave myself a self smirk before opening my mouth
"So what shit are you gonna give me?" My words clearly spoke
"I just wanted to say good job. Shawns been an asshole since you came and you shut him up for good. At least we know why," he whispered into my ear sending me tickles in my stomach.
"Looks like I got my ways with boys around here," I returned to him.
"To be honest, I'm sorta jealous he knows you," he says in a sultry voice, "maybe I want to know you too."
"Well a lot of people wanna 'know' me. I guess you'll have to prove yourself to me first," I teased him walking away. Finally my confidence regained its strength.

Annie stormed out after that little confrontation. All eyes were on me and it felt as if the world has stopped spinning.
"Woah, man you never said anything about knowing her," Carter directed to me
"Yea Shawn, I mean come on, is she the reason you haven't been yourself lately?" Nash added
"Okay okay, enough interrogating me," copying Annie, I stormed off myself. Why would she do this to me? Well maybe I was asking for it. She acted like she didn't know me so I returned it. Except I took it too far and made her real pissed and soon after it lead to this. Maybe i should go find her.

It was chilly outside even here in Cali. As I stepped out the door I saw Annie struggling. Her body was being wrapped by Chris' arms.
"HEY! GET OFF HER!" My voice shattered like never before.
At the sight of me, Chris let her go and hopped on his motorcycle. Yea you better run bitch.
"I'm so sorry that happened, he's a douche," I began
"No don't apologize, thank you," she added on
"Look," I was soon interrupted
"I know where this is headed. Let's put it in the past. Start fresh?" Her angelic voice softened
"Great. I'm Shawn Mendes. I'm from Toronto, Canada," I gave a squeamish smile
"I'm Annie. I'm from Boise, Idaho. Come to think if it. I think I lived in Toronto before," she smiled showing her perfect pearlys.

We went on in a conversation for a few minutes while walking back into the theater. Hopefully people would forget about what happened. Shocks ran down my body as her hand clenched to mine while we entered. There were at least a dozen pair of eyes on us but I didn't care. As long as I had my Annie back. Maybe not like I wanted but I had her back. Now I gotta win her back

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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