🎃Halloween fun🎃

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This is not related to the story it's just for Halloween :) so kinda like a filler

It was Halloween everyone was in they're dorms getting ready for the Halloween spooktakular (ew I cringed so hard I'm sorry AAAHHHH-) Deku was feeling confident in his ghost costume with some Patches on the cloth. His mum made it for him he had to wear it

He headed to the hall we're the party was being held

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He headed to the hall we're the party was being held

At the hall

When he opens the door and everyone he ever met was there (woah Author-chan said a reference! Noooooo neverrrrr)

He herd the oh so familiar sound "DANM DEKUUUUUUU" izuku looked to his left to see a werewolf lungeing at him (I just imagined bakugo literally doing lunges towards him, tbh that would be scary aaaaahhh help ok any back to the story)

"AGH-" the greenete was tacked to the ground
"BAKUBRO NO" Deku could hear kiri yell

Suddenly izuku felt a wait lift off him. He opened one eye and saw a vampire todoroki stare down at him he blushed

Todoroki held his hand out for Midorya and he took it "Our costumes are exquisite, let take a group picture, shall we?""FINE ICEY-TH-HOT"

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Todoroki held his hand out for Midorya and he took it
"Our costumes are exquisite, let take a group picture, shall we?"

Todoroki held his hand out for Midorya and he took it "Our costumes are exquisite, let take a group picture, shall we?""FINE ICEY-TH-HOT"

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"Wow that's great guys" izuku gushed
"Tch whatever nerd" bakugo said wile trudging back to kiri

Izuku was about to leave too but todoroki grab his shoulder

"I like your costume too let's take one together" he smirks

Midoriya blushes but agrees

"T-thanks" izuku blushed and ran away "Thank you to ghosty" the vampire boy said as he walked away

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"T-thanks" izuku blushed and ran away
"Thank you to ghosty" the vampire boy said as he walked away

Back in izukus dorm

Izuku stared at the photo him and todo took at the party and smiles little did he know todoroki was doing the same thing


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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