The Slytherin princess

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        You sat in the Slytherin common room waiting for your boyfriend Draco Malfoy. "There you are you lazy arse" you said playfully to Draco. "Oh shut up" he sneered "I couldn't find any of my jumpers because of you." "I don't have them" you lied. "You're wearing one right now" he said pointing to the large green jumper you have on. You sighed hitting him in the arm playfully. "Come on I'm hungry" you said basically dragging him out of the common room.

     "Draco" you whined "hurry up I want to go get into something presentable before potions." "You know you could always go back to the common room and I could meet you there" he said looking pleased with himself at that comment. "And leave you here with Pug Face" you said pointing at Pansy Parkinson. Draco laughed slightly before standing up and leading you out of the Great Hall.

       "Finally" you said as you ran up to your dorm. You went and put on a black skirt, a white button up long sleeved shirt, your Slytherin tie, and your robe. You used a straightening charm to straighten your hair and applied a little bit of concealer and mascara. You finally grabbed your black flats and ran out of your dorm to see Draco sitting on the common room couch. "Finally Y/n" Draco whined "you took forever." "Stop complaining and let's go before we're late" you said practically dragging Draco out of the common room. You guys arrived in potions a minute before you were late taking your usually seats in the back of the class.

      Not long after class started, you felt someone staring at you intensely. You quickly looked to your left to see Blaise Zabaini starting at you. When he saw you saw him looking at you he smirked and winked before returning his attention back to Professor Slughorn. Apparently you were not the only one who saw Blaise looking at you because not long after the incident you felt a cold hand slide onto your thigh protectively. Draco's rings indented into your thigh sending a shiver down your spine. "Your mine" Draco whispered into your ear. "I understand that love" you whispered back.

Potions seemed to drag on forever. Draco drew circles on your thigh, occasionally squeezing your hand. After what felt like hours the bell finally rang and everyone swiftly left the room. You and Draco had a lunch next then a free period so you walked to the Great Hall hand in hand with Draco. "Come on Draco" you said sternly "I want to go get lunch then take a nap before D.A.D.A" "I'm coming" Draco said rolling his eyes slightly "chill out."

You guys reached the great hall to see most of the kids already there. You waked to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Draco and Blaise came and sat on the other side of you. "Hi y/n" Blaise said suddenly "you look beautiful today." Draco looked taken aback and mad at the same time. You squeezed his hand and said "thank you Blaise." You returned to your food before you felt someone other then Draco's hand squeezing your hand. You pulled your hand back to see Blaise smirking at you. "Knock it off Blaise" you said with anger in your voice. "But your so beautiful" Blaise protested. "Leave her alone Blaise" Draco finally snapped. He grabbed your hand and marched over to Blaise and punched him before pulling you out of the Great Hall.

You finally reached the Slytherin common room and you and Draco made your way up to his private dorm. His father was rich and powerful so it was easy for him to convince Dumbledore to give Draco his own dorm. You walked into his dorm sliding off your shoes and flopping onto his bed. "Cuddle me right now" you said in a stern tired voice. Draco crawled into the bed next to you wrapping him arms around your waist and burying his head into you neck. His leg intertwined with yours as you both drifted of into a calm dreamless sleep.

You woke up 10 minutes before your D.A.D.A class. You shook Draco awake already slipping on your shoes. "Let's go Draco we're gonna be late" you almost yell. "I'm coming I'm coming" he said "we will be fine let's go." You both started almost running to D.A.D.A. You burst through the doors right on time heading over to your seats. "Almost late were we" Snape sneered from the front of the classroom. You put your head down trying to ignore Snape's sneers. Draco griped your hand tightly and you looked up giving him a smile. He smiled back at you and you both settled down for D.A.D.A.

"Mrs. Y/l/n" Snape said suddenly from the front of the class "what's the answer to number 3?" You obviously hadn't been paying attention and Snape took notice to that. "I-I do not know sir" you stuttered. "Very well 5 points from Slytherin" Snape sneered. You knew he didn't take away as many points as he usually did to a kid not paying attention because you were in his house but it still stung. Draco squeezed you hand tightly. You put your head back down waiting for class to be over. "Class dismissed" Snape yelled out right as the bell went off.

You and Draco went to back to the common room so Draco could get ready for quidditch practice. Draco left as you sat down on the common room couch to get started on your mountain of homework. You started by righting your potions essay about Amortentia, then did you essay about werewolves for D.A.D.A. Just as you finished both of your essays Draco come trudging in. "Ugh" Draco complained as he walked over to you. "Was it really that bad" you said sweetly. "YES" Draco shouted "it was torture." "Now your just exaggerating" you said laughing. "You go on and try it" Draco whined. "No thanks" you said standing up to Draco's height. He tried to kiss you before you turned your head. "Go take a shower first your all sweaty" you said sternly pointing in the direction of his door. Draco reluctantly walked off to his dorm.

After about 15 minutes of sitting out on Draco's bed you heard the water turn off and shortly after the bathroom door opened. Draco came out of the bathroom in grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt and his hair was wet and not gonna lie you thought he looked hot. He smirked at you before flopping onto the bed himself on his side facing you. "So can I get that kiss now" he said with an extremely cute pouty lip. "Of course" you said sweetly with a smile. He cupped your face and kissed you softly. The kiss seemed to go on forever but it stayed soft and gentle. You finally pulled away for air and Draco smiled. He pulled you closer by your waist. You laid your head on his chest forgetting all about dinner as Draco played with your hair. You started to feel yourself fall asleep in Draco's grasp feeling happy. You fell asleep shortly after to Draco's soft rhythmic breathing.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for 100 reads! I made this chapter longer to make up for not updating recently. Leave suggestions for imagines you want to see! I'm going to try to update more often now!! I hope you enjoyed this imagine!

Word count:1271

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