One-shot: Green Thing

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AN: First time making just a one-shot. I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to stay cool turtles! 🐢

Monika's POV

I sigh to myself in my head. Damn it Sayori!

Finally! I'm back at home from a long day of doing president things, the teachers bugging me about my club, giving me some papers do to, yeah the usual.

But, what do I come home to? I come home to my lazy girlfriend, all snuggled up on the couch, with junk food...

Listen I know she can eat whatever she wants, I'm not stopping her from eating what she loves. I'm just worried about her health is all.

She needs to have some health in her diet and that's what I'm going to give her.

"Hey, babe...what are you doing?" I ask, walking up to her. Sayori turns her head towards me, she has little crumbs on her face- which I do admit she looks cute like that- no, no I need to scold her!

"Ohh welcome bwck Moni! I'm jwst watching some tv, anythwing happen today?" She asks back. Her chewing face is so- ugh not now!

Ding ding reference time! Tell me which video.

Hint: It's from a youtube video that Wassabi did, with Alex and Roi.

Just tell her Monika. I stomp on over in front of Sayori, putting my hands on my hips and creasing my brows. I stare down to look into her ocean eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks innocently.

"Sayori, we need to talk about your eating habits." My tone was nothing but strict, I meant for it to sound more soft, but oh well.

Sayori raises a brow. "...What are you talking about?" She asks another question, but afterwards she takes one of her chip bags and eats the carbon potato slice out of it.

"It's becoming a problem." I said. This time my voice was softer, but still strict.

My girlfriend gets mad at my comment. "Your becoming a problem!" A pout forms at her lips. Again, she munches on another chip and opens a new can of cola to sip on.

This isn't going well, so I decided to soften. "I'm just worried about your health is all." I bit my lip.

Uh oh...that face isn't a good sign. "You worry about yourself!" She, for what it feels like the millionth time, eats another chip.

"I hwve everything UNDER cwntrwl!" Weirdly, she pulls another soda out of nowhere and opens that one up as well.

Taking a sip of her magical sprite, she then opens a honeybun to go along with it.

"Really, Sayori?" I raise a brow and frown.

In the middle of her munching fest of eating a chip and siping on her sprite, I ask the words "Really?" But she continuously eats more of her honey bun and- for fuck sake how many sodas does she have under there?!

"Yes." She drinks her cola zero. Oh my God my girlfriend is being SOO stubborn!

I'm going to try one more time...! "ARE you sure?" For the final time I ask.

My lover points a lollipop at me. "YES I'M SURE, NOW GO AWAY!" Jesus that's the most childish voice I'v ever heard.

Sayori puts the lollipop in her mouth and tries to bit it all in one chomp. I just give her a weird look because of the childish like faces she's giving me.

Green Thing (💙Sayonika💚) (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now