Bad Liar

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'No... Please... Leave me alone! Go away! I mean it! Get away... N-No!'


She hasn't had a nightmare in ages, not since, she was a kid. Cold sweat streams down her body, she doesn't know where she was, or 'what' she was, sure she still remembers her name. But she's traped in somekind of, dark clift, even if there's light up there, she still hates the darkness around her, despite her age. All she can remember is getting mad at her friends, for worring the littlest things, which makes her fustrated every single time. When she finally had enough, she was no longer, herself. After that she ran away to a world where no one can find her, she was running without thinking where she was going, until she fell into the clift and, blackout. She was feeling, cold, afraid, scared, sad all those mixed things in her core, as if she was a bad person, no wonder she snapped. She let out her pain through tears and sobs. Her guilt, she hated that feeling, the feeling of feeling bad of yourself. One thing she knows is that you can't take back what you said, what was done is done. And there's nothing she can do about it, some Princess she is.

'Why can't I just be normal for once?! WHY?!'  Her thoughs running trough her head, again and again. She wished to be like her friends, normal, and not different.

 She wished to be like her friends, normal, and not different

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"I'm telling you, I though I hear someone crying." A voice was heard it sounded like a guy's voice. Did she heard her?
"Must have been the wind." There's another voice a female one.
"Or the sound of the forest." Another female spoke.
"Maybe it could have been a scary monster! Waiting to jump out, and eat us!" That was another guy's voice, it was a little high-pitched voice. Followed by a mewed sound.

This might be her chance to get out of there. But needs to shout to get their attention.


"Guys! I hear someone calling!" Cooper sure had heard many things before, but not like this, this was the voice of someone calling for help, a girl.
"I didn't hear it." "Neither did I."
Satin and Chenille didn't hear it.

"Is someone out there?!"

"I heard it!" Biggie now started to hear it.

"Biggie you too?" Chenille replied.

"No! Really, I think Cooper might be right, there is someone calling!"

"See? I told ya!"

"Anyone? Help!"

"It comes from over there!" Cooper ran to where the voice is comming from. His friends followed him behind running to not lose him.

NightStar heard footsteps comming closer. Someone really was out there, and they heard her calls.


"Where are you?" Cooper stoped to know where 'she' is.

"In a clift!"

Bad LiarWhere stories live. Discover now