How you meet

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You were Hinata's friend and was coming over to her house for a playdate. When you walked through the gates however, you saw a long brown-haired boy training extremely hard in the center of the whole place. "Who's that?" You asked. Hinata followed your gaze to her brother and smiled. "Oh, that's Neiji Nee-san, he's always out here training his hardest." She said, continuing to walk towards her room. You stopped and stared at him. He was sweating profusely and it looked like his eyes were straining to continue using his Byakugan. You knew that it was normal to push yourself during training, but you were worried that this boy was pushing himself too much. He looked ready to faint any moment now, and that's exactly what he did. You caught him and took him with Hinata to a bed and let him cool down. When he woke up Hinata had to hold back her giggles as you reprimanded him like a mother, scolding him and telling him that it was ok to train but not ok to train so hard you faint. Neiji frowned but was glad that you cared about his well-being, and the two of you started hanging out together.


At Ichiraku Ramen. Obviously. You two hit it off right away. You didn't understand why everyone him, he was really funny! You two kept making each other laugh as you slurped your ramen, once even making Naruto laugh so hard a noodle came out of his nose, which just caused the two of you to laugh even harder.


He was training too hard one day and you found him passed out in the woods, so you took him home and treated his scratches and bruises and let him rest. When he woke up he was confused so you told him that he had passed out from over-training and needed to rest more. He was opposed to the idea at first but eventually agreed and the two of you became good friends. (soon to be much more :)) 


Gaara was being bullied by some other kids in the village which you didn't like one bit. You stomped over to them and hit them all on the back of their heads. "You should be ashamed of yourselves! Ganging up on a nice boy like this!" You then walked over to Gaara and bent down. He Flinched away, thinking that you were going to bully him or hurt him. You held out your hand. "Are you ok?" Gaara's eyes widened. You were actually being nice to him! "Y-yeah, I'm ok." He said, taking your hand and standing up. "What are you doing?! That boy is a monster! he'll kill you!" You shot a cold glare at them. "The only monsters I see here are you guys, now go bother someone else. I'm going to play with my new friend." Gaara's eyes sparkled. "N-new friend?" He asked. You smiled brightly at him. "Yup! Now new friend, what's your name? I'll go first, I'm Y/n!" Gaara couldn't believe it, someone actually wanted to be his friend! "I'm G-Gaara." He stuttered. 'Cute.' You thought. 


The two of you were sent on a mission together and you used to be friends with Rin so you know what happened to her. You didn't blame Kakashi though, you understood that he never meant to hurt Rin, it just happened. That's why you volenteered to accompany him on this mission. Eventually you found out that the ninja on your mission were better than you were told, and you ended up getting hurt. Kakashi accidentally stabbed you with a kuni knife and quickly got rid of the rest of the ninja so he could tend to your injury. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" "It's ok Kakashi, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Just like you didn't mean to hurt Rin" His eyes widened. "How do you know about that!" He yelled. "I was her best friend. She knew you didn't want to hurt her even though you did, and she never hated you. You need to let it go." Kakashi's widened even more, if that was possible, and started crying. "It's ok." You smiled.


You were Ino's lazy friend other than Shikamaru, and she thought, since you're both lazy, she should introduce you to each other. When you met him he was laying on the ground looking up at the sky. "Hey Shikamaru! This is Y/n, she's my other lazy friend so I thought I should introduce the two of you!" Shikamaru didn't move from his spot. Ino pouted. "Come on Shikamaru at least say hi!" She shouted. He sighed, "This is such a drag." "I agree." You said, causing him to look at you in surprise. You laid down next to him on the grass and looked at the sky above you. "Mind if I watch the clouds with you?" You asked. Shikamaru blushed and smiled slightly. "Sure." 


You were sent on a mission with the sand siblings to collect intel on what was happening in a small village nearby. You were a puppet master like Kankuro, and had some pretty impressive creations if you did say so yourself, and you were eager to test them out in battle. When you found out that Kankuro was a puppet master too, the two of you became best friends almost instantly. You would show off your puppets to the other and give tips to improve them, even sometimes working on them together. Gaara and Temari got kind of weirded out by how into puppets you guys were, and figured that the two of you were made for each other. 


You were a new member of the Akatsuki, and were partnered up with Itachi on one of your missions to kill some gang leader guy. As an Akatsuki member, you had had plenty of time to observe Itachi's style of fighting and the way he thinks before you were paired up, which allowed you to have better teamwork when on the field of battle. Itachi was even surprised at how well you could predict what he was going to do and act accordingly to make sure that he could do it well. Afterwards you explained to him that you were simply observant, and trusted Itachi's decisions however crazy they may be, because you knew that he always had a good reason for what he was doing, even if you couldn't see it. Itachi was greatful to you for that, and the two of you became good friends and asked to be paired up more often. 

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