You make me FORGET how to breath... (i moving in with how many guys)

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i have to move in with how many guys? 11? HELL NO........ I have to live with the Mertz? ALL of them?

ok there is  Patrick 21 computer nerd, Dagan 20 sweetie, Danny 17 jock, Aaron 17 artist, Nick 16 jerk, Jake 16 manwhore, Austin 15 car builder, Chase 14 singer, Brody 12 book worm, Max 10 acts old for his age, and Josh 3 playful.

Lord help me........

Im Rain Lakewood,im 16, i have black hair, green eyes. 8 piercings, 6 on my ear, a nose ring, and a bellybutton ring. and i have a tattoo on my lower back that winds around to my side, it is a vine of black roses. my dad moved us back to the small town that i was born in. as a single father we move where his job takes us. my mom died when i was 6 , she die in 9/11. before we moved away  the 1st time, we lived next to the Mertz im whole life. then we moved away and now we are back same house, same boys- but not the same guys, at the same time.

You make me FORGET how to breath... (i moving in with how many guys) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now